Chapter 32

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3rd P.O.V

- Kakashi-sensei look, Saori-sensei is waking up. – Sakura said noticing Saori slowly opening her eyes.

- Saori, can you hear me? – Kakashi asked.

Saori has now her eyes opened and was looking at Sakura and Kakashi who were looking at her worried.
She slowly started to sit.

- Easy there. – Kakashi said putting his hand on her back.

- What happened? – Saori asked.

- You don't remember? – Kurama asked.

- I mean, I remember what I did before passing out. Are you all okay? – Saori asked the Tailed Beats which they answered by nodding.

- How are you feeling? – Kakashi asked.

- I don't know...tired? – Saori said and started to get up.

- Saori-sensei you shouldn't force yourself that fast! – Sakura said worried.

- I'm fine Sakura, don't worry. – Saori said.

Kakashi and Sakura looked at each other and then to her.
Saori raised an eyebrow.

- What? – Saori asked confused.

- There's something we need to tell you. – Sakura said.

- Okay, what is it then? – Saori asked.

- Saori...after you passed out Hagoromo healed and... - Kakashi started.

- And what? – She asked.

- He told us to tell you that....this was his way to thank you for what you did. – Kakashi said.

- What are you talking about? – Saori asked.

- Hi, Saori.

Saori widened her eyes at the sound of that voice coming from behind her.

- N-No... - Saori said.

- Saori-sensei...are you okay? – Sakura asked.

- It's not's not......this isn't real... - Saori said looking down.

- Saori, it is. You're awake, it is real. – Kakashi assured her.

- Turn around.

-'re not're not real.....I can't........I can't do this again. I can't... - Saori said shaking, with tears already falling.

- Saori... - Kakashi said sad seeing her in that state.

- I'm real, it's really me. Please, believe.

- No...I can't go through that again. – Saori said.

- Saori, please turn around. – Kakashi said.

- NOO! – Saori screamed with more tears falling.

- Love...turn around, please.

She widened her eyes noticing the voice was now closer.
Saori slowly started to turn around and widened her eyes.

-'s Edo Tensei can't be.... – she said not believing.

Everyone looked at her with empathy in their eyes.

- I don't know how's not Edo Tensei, and honestly, I don't care or want to know how. It just matters that it was done, and I was given another chance.

Traitor - Sequel of Uchiha Saori Itachi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now