Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V

- WHAT?! IS SHE SURE?! – Tsunade asked Jiraiya.

- Yes, she is. – Jiraiya said serious.

- I'll warn him right away. Damn it. Does she know when? – Tsunade said.

- No, she just knows that he's their target. – Jiraiya said.

Tsunade sent a bird with a letter warning the Kazekage.

*At Suna*

Gaara P.O.V

I was outside waiting for them to call me when it's time for the meeting when a bird landed on my shoulder with a letter.
I got it.

*Kazekage, Konoha was able to collect info on Akatsuki plans. They're on the move and their next target is you. We don't know when they will attack, all we know is that they're going there. I'll await an answer from you so I can send backup.
- 5th Hokage*

.......the Akatsuki is coming after me.....I went to my office still with the bird on my shoulder, I sat and started writing a letter back.
After I finished I put the letter on the bird and he flew away.

Knock, knock.

- Enter. – I said.

- Kazekage-sama, the meeting is about to start. – Kankuro said with other people behind him.

I nodded and went to the meeting.

*Back at Konoha*

3rd P.O.V

- Tsunade-sama, a letter as arrived from the Kazekage. – Shizune said handing the letter to Tsunade.

*Thank you for informing me, you don't need to send backup, I'll be aware of any strange movement here and I'll be prepared for anything. Thank you again.*

Tsunade finished reading the letter.

- Damn it. – she said mad.

- that wise from him? – Shizune said worried.

-'s not. But I can't go against his wishes. Let's just hope he can deal with it. – Tsunade said worried as well.

*At the Akatsuki Hideout*

Saori P.O.V

- Concentrate. – Pain told me.

......I'm getting mad!
I was getting all beaten up and cut.

- Use it. – he said.

I tried but he was too fast and kicked me......I looked at him completely mad.

- You lose. – he said and was about to hit me again when.

- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SHINRA TENSEI! – I said mad and made him go against a tree with all the force.

I fell on my knees panting and deactivated the Rinnengan.
Pain got up and came to me...I looked up.

- Finally. – Pain said.

....................son of a bitch...

- That's enough, you can go now. – he said and left.

Man, one day I'll kill him.
I got up and went to my room to heal my wounds.....again.........I sighed.
Since Itachi was in the room I decided to heal my wounds on the bathroom so something like the previous event doesn't happen again!
I was now finished with that and was putting water in my face..............I sighed....I cleaned it and took the headband that I had taken off.......I pass my finger over the line.....

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