Chapter 15

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3rd P.O.V

- Disappear with the thunder...Kirin! – Sasuke said.

Kirin! – Sasuke said

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Saori P.O.V
- Ahhh! – I said scared and wake up panting.

......................................................................................................................I looked beside me..........I widened my!
I got up, got dressed and immediately got out of the house and went to the Uchiha Hideout.
I was speeding like crazy.......please...........please don't do this.....let me get there on time...............please......Itachi, don't leave me like this.

3rd P.O.V
- Your eyes belong to me now. I'll take them slowly...I want to savor this. – Itachi said with his Susanoo active protecting him from Sasuke's attacks.

Itachi kept moving towards Sasuke, who didn't know what else to do.

Saori P.O.V
I was near and started seeing Kisame and other 3 people.
I didn't care though.
I was about to run pass them but I was stopped.

- Saori, you can't pass. Itachi's orders. – Kisame said now in front of me.

- Get out of my way, Kisame. – I said coldly.

- Nee, who are you? – A guy with Zabuza's sword asked. did that guy get that sword anyway?!.......NEVER MIND THAT NOW!

- Doesn't concern you. Let me pass, Kisame. I won't ask again. – I said getting annoyed and frustrated.

- No. – Kisame said and got his sword.

I got serious.
Without him noticing I was now right in front of him and punched him with all my force, making him fly against a tree.

- I said...GET OUT OF MY WAY! – I said mad and went to where Sasuke and Itachi were.

3rd P.O.V
Saori started running even more, until she saw them.......laying on the floor.

laying on the floor

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Traitor - Sequel of Uchiha Saori Itachi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now