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Who pranked you and how?

Aries ~ Eyeless Jack: he dunked a bucket of spiders on you while you we're sleeping

Taurus ~ Laughing Jack: he wrapt everything in your room with paper

Gemini ~ Jeff The Killer: he took all of your weapons and hid them all over the mansion

Cancer ~ Offenderman: he put roses all over your room

Leo ~ Sally: she painted your door neon pink

Virgo ~ Smile dog: he chewed your clothes apart

Libra ~ Jane The Killer: she put glass full of water all over your floor,desk and pretty much any where they could stand

Scorpio ~ Ben DROWNED: he spread glitter all over your room

Sagittarius ~ The Doll Maker: he took your favourite weapon and hid it somewhere in your room

Capricorn ~ Kagekoa: he glued your door shut so you could not get into your own room

Aquarius ~ Puppeteer: put a buket full of feather and glue in it, on top of your door so when you walked in it fell on you

Pisces ~?: Someone put ants in your pillow when you were gone

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