The blond girl took another sip from her drink before slamming the glass onto the table, making Claire startle. She quickly reached for her blanket before her whole body trembled at the mercy of the booming voice of the giantess.


Her voice was soft but Claire took it as a command as she looked up at her captor. She was still holding onto the blanket, it felt like an assurance to her, something she could rely on. But a very ineffective one in this situation.

"I said no."

The giantess's gaze had locked onto the small girl as her nails tapped onto the glass, letting out an irritating sound. She examined her helpless captive for a while before grabbing the cage with a sudden movement and lifting it up.

"Let it go." She growled.

Rose slammed the cage onto the table, knocking out Claire and making her head hit onto the bars. The little girl's chest was moving so quickly when she fell onto the ground that she thought she was about to die because of her own fear.

She tried to stand up but the giantess had lifted up the cage once again, tilting it to the side, threatening the brunette to get crushed under the so-called furniture in her prison. But Claire was quick to grab the bars once again. She closed her eyes shut as her bed rolled over to the other side of the cage, bump into the small wooden cabin that she was using as a bathroom.

Rose set the cage down once again, being more gentle this time. She seemed satisfied while cocking a brow at the tiny girl who was trying to recover from the painful encounter.

"Why you're getting a blanket when you hadn't given me one before?" She said with a sharp tone.

Claire wanted to talk to her but even a glance could end her life. Rose hadn't hurt her once after she locked her up, she had always been gentle. But being drunk was a different scenario. Claire could neither trust Rose nor her actions when she was in that state. She hadn't seen Rose like this before, she had always been soft and caring to Claire regardless of her size. This was a new Rose to her. Claire had to follow her rules if she wanted to survive.

"Y-You're right," The little girl stuttered out as she rubbed her head. She didn't hit it too bad but it was still throbbing.

The blond's slender fingers made their way towards the cage door, pulling it open. There was a hint of a smile on her curvy lips as she spoke.

"Do you want me to pluck you out or are you going to step out with your own will?"

Claire slowly turned her head to her captor. This wasn't her roommate anymore.

She bent her head down obediently and started to walk through the exit. Her mind was racing with thoughts about how she could get out of this madness. It was certain that something's going to change today. She had finally been let out in the open.

Claire tried to stay still in the presence of the massive girl as she was having a hard time to keep her body from trembling. Did she look like this to Rose? Like a heartless, ruthless monster? Someone who was lacking any emotion but cruelty? A towering figure that she couldn't even be able to see its face without looking up?

She tried not to collapse onto the table as tears pooled in her eyes. Claire could understand the thing that haunted Rose for too long. The desperation. The horror of being in the mercy of someone else. She was nothing more than a bug or a toy for her. She belonged to Rose and there was nothing that she could do to change it.

"Oh, no, don't be like this."

This time the slender fingers made their way to Claire's frail body, slowly wrapping around her waist. The girl held onto the fingers around her like they were some protection, at least she wanted to believe that they were protecting her.

G/T OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now