The bullet struck Michael in the cheek and caused his head to snap to the side. He groaned then fell over Allyson and went crashing down into the panic room. Allyson let out a scream and hurried down to get the others. Laurie cried out and went after her.

"Allyson! No!"

Allyson grabbed Tommy and helped him up to the stairs. He hurried up and Laurie grabbed his arms and pulled him out and shoved him to the side, he rolled across the floor and let out a pained groan. Brackett came up next and then Cameron. Laurie watched as Allyson grabbed her hand and pulled herself up but let out a scream as The Shape grabbed her ankle and tried pulling her back down into the panic room.

Allyson looked at the two and clawed at the wooden steps in order to escape from him. Cameron crawled over to the entrance and reached down and helped them. The Shape was tugging on her leg desperately. She kicked at him as hard as possible. Cameron grabbed a sharp of wood from the floor and held it tightly and then dove and stabbed The Shape's hand and he uncurled his fingers and dropped back, Allyson looked down and kicked him straight in the face which made him tumble back down. Karen dragged her out of the panic room and Laurie grabbed the lever and lifted it then pushed it to the right which engaged the security system to engage and lock him in the room. The iron spikes shot out and blocked his pathway out. Karen hugged Allyson tightly and kissed her on the cheek and Laurie smiled down at him as he stood there looking up at her. Blood was coming from the wound on his face, blood stained the mask and he was swaying from side to side slightly.

"Allyson" Cameron groaned as he grabbed her and hugged her. "Thank you, so much!"

"We did it" Laurie whispered. "We finally fucking did it!"

The Shape watched as Laurie got up and walked out of sight. Laurie flicked several switches then the sound of gas hissing into the panic room made The Shape turn and look at a vent. She grabbed a flare from the shelf and then walked back over. Cameron was helping Tommy and Brackett up to their feet. Brackett walked over and looked down at The Shape who looked at him and tilted his head.

"For Annie" he said, he pulled out his wallet and removed a small picture of his daughter then let it flow down into the panic room. It landed on the steps and faced The Shape who watched it. Laurie smiled at him and grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "And for Lynda and Bob".

Cameron walked over and looked in. "For Oscar".

Allyson smiled and came up beside Cameron and spat down at The Shape. "For Vicky and Dave".

"And for Ray", Karen said with tears in her eyes.

Laurie cracked the top of the flare and it roared to life and lit the kitchen up. Laurie chucked it down where it bounced down the steps and landed beside The Shape.

"Goodbye, Michael".

The floor below The Shape exploded with flames and the heat lifted straight up. The flames engulfed the bed, the shelves and the guns as the gas flowed into the room continuously. Laurie watched him closely and then fell back into Karen's arms. Forty years of untold pain and misery was beginning to burn below her. The flames crawled up the walls. The group had to leave, and they did. Brackett lead them out and they approached the front door. Laurie stopped at the door and looked back as the flames exploded upwards, she saw the smoke and light glowing from the entry way to the panic room. Glass started shattering and the flooring lit on fire. She ran from the house and out onto the front lawn where they all stopped and turned and watched.

Flames engulfed the kitchen as the gas line went up. It exploded, sending a ball of fire across the house and into the living room and made the windows explode outwards. Laurie started laughing as her mind raced.

The flames spread to the top floor and engulfed it. The house was then fully ablaze, and Laurie knew that even The Shape couldn't survive this one. One last explosion tore across the house and they stepped back from the structure. Laurie dropped to her knees and began breathing heavy, her eyes were wide and full of tears as she then started crying. Allyson came down beside her and hugged her closely. She comforted her as every emotion she was holding in came pouring out. Sirens were heard in the distance and Laurie turned and looked at the driveway. "Don't let them in. I want to watch it all burn" Laurie growled to Brackett who nodded and hurried off to meet them at the gate. "I want it to burn to the ground!"

The Shape stood amongst the burning room. In front of him was Annie's burning picture looking into his soul as it darkened and curled inwards from the flames. He turned and looked around the room as the flames began attacking his clothes. There was no way out of this one, nobody here to help. He could hear the sound of glass shattering above him and items crashing into the floor. Over the sound of the flames and the house dropping he heard sirens and saw the red and blue flashing lights from beyond the metal bars on the panic room window.

He turned and looked at the picture one last time before the final wave of flames reached up and battled against his clothing. The mask began to melt to his face and his skin slid away from the muscle as years and years of battle wounds and scars opened back up. The flare on the floor was gone, swallowed by the destruction that Laurie Strode had made just for him. This was his cage, and this was her release. He had become a pawn in her game, and he had lost this game. For the first time in over forty years Michael showed one emotion and felt one pain; defeat.


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