Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's point of view

"I'm tired of this relationship, you're never home and even when you are you treat me like your damn slave, 'Elizabeth, where's my food, Elizabeth, why are my shoes, Elizabeth wipe my ass', well guess what, you can wipe your own ass dip shit because I'm done"

"You are done when I say you are done. Don't forget that I own you, your parents gave you to me before their unfortunate death, so unless you want to end up like them, when I say jump, you say how high, got it?"

I'm so tired of this shit. I'm leaving this house even if it kills me.

"Where are you going?"

"Out" I shout as I descend the stairs

"You better get back here right now" yeah right, he's going to watch me walk right out that damn door

"Fine, go bitch but you'll be back"

Slamming the door, I lean against it. Living so far away from everyone else means that the commotion went unheard and that no one can help me. I guess walking will clear my mind. Oh God was that a bad Idea

"MRS Andrews, do you hear me?" startled by the Detective's voice I finally look up

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

"I said, do you mind telling us the events of tonight please?"

"Look, I already told the other two Detectives that have interrogated me in the past 2 hours and my story hasn't changed so please, if it's not a bother, do you mind getting me some coffee? I don't think I can stay up much longer." I'm pretty sure that I could sit on lava and I definitely wouldn't feel it with my numb ass.

"I'm sure that could be arranged." he says getting up and leaving. I'm sure that could be arranged? Could he be more welcoming? I hope you can feel my sarcasm.

This is the worst day of my life. Firstly, I lost my phone, secondly, my new kicks are covered with what I only hope isn't poop because I'm going to have to get rid of it and last but not least, my 'lovely husband' has just been murdered and guess who is the prime suspect? You have guessed correctly, it's me...oh the joy. Now I've been stuck in this interrogation room for the past three hours, I'm tired and it's past my bed time, not that I have a bed time.

"And here is your coffee." Wow, he actually brought it

"Thank you, mm this smells delicious, I hope it tastes sugar, really?" wow you know I expected this, but I was hoping it wouldn't happen.

"We have run out of sugar." I'm sorry, did he just say that they ran out of sugar? I'm losing my mind.

"This is a police station, how in the world do you run out of sugar? I thought your lives revolve around sugar. You know what? Forget it," Gosh, could I have been living a much bigger lie?

"Look MRS Andrew...

"Just Elizabeth, unless you forgot, my husband is dead, so please just call me Elizabeth, thank you."

"Okay ELIZABETH, can you please tell me what happened tonight?" he's a funny guy, I like him.

"Look Detective...?

"Detective Miles."

"Detective Miles, thank you, okay look this is what happened, Michael and I had an argument, I left the house, came back thirty minutes later and he was ancient history. Done"

"You don't seem so troubled for a woman who just lost her husband." what is this dimwit trying to imply?

"Are you implying that I killed my husband?"

"Nope, you said that, I'm just saying that you don't seem bothered by his death. Such behavior will make anyone question your innocence." This son of a bitch.

"Well detective, I will have you know that although I'm not as troubled as I should be I would never wish death upon anyone, not even my enemies." I don't know who this guy thinks he is, but I'm not going to let him treat me like a criminal

'Detective miles, Detective Brooks is here, she can take over the interrogation as you requested'

"Well this is it from me, hopefully you are much more cooperative, she really doesn't take any bullshit" did he just...? Yeah you better leave asshole.

Alone once again, oh the horror. Gosh if I knew that this was such fun, I would have killed someone years ago. Sigh, I miss my phone, I would have been playing Temple Run by now. Oh God, this really is the worst day ever.

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