chapter 27

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No one's point of view

It's been four days since the family reunion and a lot of tension can be sensed at the division.

The Michael Andrews case has officially became handed over to the DA's office and a certain people are not pleased, for difference reasons that is.

Chief of police, Linda Phobes wanted to put Elizabeth behind bars or kill her as per her boss's demands but until now both plans have failed. Her one chance at putting her away for a long time has been taken away. How do you convict an innocent person without evidence exactly? She wanted to just kill her but no, Damien wanted all possible ways to get rid of her evaluated. Now look at them, her husband has a bullet wound in his leg, she has to hand over the case to the DA's office and Damien is nothing short of livid.

Selena on the other hand is not pleased that the perpetrator has not been caught, more like revealed. She doesn't understand why Christian didn't take David in? Why didn't she turn him in? Why are they conversing like best friends again? What is going on? Why is she not saying anything? Why isn't Selena saying anything herself? Maybe, it's because of the gut feeling that she's got. That maybe everything isn't as it seems. Maybe everything isn't black and white.

Besides the two displeased ladies, a pair of friends can't be more happy to get rid of the damn case, but they know that with the case gone, they have two look out for murder.

"On a scale of one to ten, how pissed off do you think Linda is?" David asks as he places the case files in a box.

"Try one hundred. She warned me about what's to come. Now I wish I could warn her about what's about to happen to them" Chris answers as she helps put the rest of the 'evidence' in the box.

"She chose her path and we chose ours. She fucked up when she agreed to make my sister's life miserable" David says angrily, his fists tightening around the box lid.

The mention of his sister's troubles piss him off to the point of murder. Killing Michael was not only because he was angry for his brother George's death but for his sister's sufferings too. He had to watch his half brother verbally and sometimes physically abuse his half sister and adding that to the murder of his brother was what made it easy for him to pull the trigger.

"Yeah, you're right, but what about Selena?" Chris asks the one question that has been bugging her since they came up with the plan to end everything.

"That's all up to her, she has to make up her mind on this one" David says as though that will fix everything.

"Are you forgetting that she knows you killed someone or the fact that your girlfriend shot her?" Chris asks incredulously.

"It was an accident. Mia just wanted the flash drive but the fact that she was pointing the gun at Selena is what pissed her of so they started wrestling for the gun and it went off. Plus, she sucked punched Mia yesterday so I think that they're cool now" David says, dropping a bomb.

The look Chris is giving him should be enough indication as to just how crazy everything is. She went from being an ordinary detective to a lover who's willing to do anything for her loved ones.

"Chris, can I talk to you?" Selena says from beside Chris. She acknowledges David with a glare which he responds with a sheepish wave.

"Sure thing" Chris replies before Selena leads her to an empty interrogation room, after ensuring that it's empty.

"This is crazy, we should be turning him in" Selena says in frustration.

"But we're not" Chris says.

Selena sighs out in frustration. This situation goes against everything she learnt at the academy. But this is not about logic and reason, this is about feelings. This is about righting a wrong with more wrong that will make it right. What a weird situation.

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