chapter 28

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Chris’s point of view

“Is he still following us?” David asks as he drives us to the location agreed on.

“Yes” I reply as I look through the rear view mirror and see Matthews car three cars behind ours.

To say that I’m scared would be the overstatement of the years. I’m anything but scared right now. I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m frustrated and I’m fucken aroused. Yes, I said aroused.

I know this is the wrong time but I can’t help how my body feels. I have been feeling like this since Elizabeth got out of the hospital. I thought I’d be able to keep it under wraps but every time I come around her, I want to sin with her.

“Hey, you okay?” Elizabeth asks in a whisper, leaning over to my seat.

Oh lord have mercy.

No Chris, get your head out of the gutter. Now is not the time to think of fornicating with this fine specimen.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking” I say

Yeah, thinking about her legs wrapped around your head, around your waist and-

“Everything will work out fine. I have faith in you Safia” she says, placing a lingering kiss on my left cheek.

She has faith in me. I can’t fail her. Her calling me Safia hits differently than when she calls me Christian. It feels...dirty. like she shouldn’t say that name in public.

“I can’t believe dad wants us to take care of this in a warehouse. I guess old habits die hard” David says, I’m guessing he’s referring to Francisco’s drug dealing days.

“Then it’ll be easier to get rid off. I’m not shooting no one though” I say, the thought of looking them in the eye and pulling the trigger not appealing to me.

“I’ve got that part covered Ris. You just gotta protect my little sister no matter what. Promise me that you will” David says.

“I promise” I swear.

I will protect her with my life if I must.

She’s the only reason I’ve agreed to this. If it wasn’t for her, I would have sucker punched David and cut all ties with him. We care about the same person, that’s where we are one.

We sit in silence for the remaining thirty minutes of the car ride, besides the playful banter between Elizabeth and myself which seemed to piss David off as our concepts were a little over Pg. Thirteen.

We finally arrive at the warehouse and honestly, it looks nothing like a warehouse, more like a big building which hasn’t been used in a while.

We open the gate...yes it has a gate, and we get in and head for the door which David unlocks with the keys he has. We get into the warehouse...

Mother of all things beautiful. This place is not a warehouse, I mean warehouses don’t usually look like an open floor plan to someone’s mansion.

The place is divided into four parts. There’s a whole living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom in this place. The only thing missing is the bathroom.

“Who’s house is this?” I ask as I look at the place, admiring everything.

“My dad” David answers.


The man does have taste though. There’s a video game console connected to a big screen TV. In the kitchen, there is a huge ass marble counter with the best kitchen appliances. There is a six sitter dining table in the dining room. The bedroom has a big king size bed with flower patterned duvet covers.

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