chapter 16

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Elizabeth’s point of view

“Elizabeth!” Chris says as she looks at me with disbelief as I stand in her living room next to who I’m assuming is her mom.

Her disbelief is understandable as I haven’t spoken to her in three days, not because I was ghosting her but because...well I kind of was but only because I know that if we did talk to each other then I would definitely disclose my plans. Also I was way too busy trying to find an apartment with the money I had saved up in my private account. An account I’d created without Michael’s knowledge.

“Hello Christian!” I greet her, standing awkwardly whilst she just stares at me.

“Oh please, don’t mind me. It’s not like I’m a whole person in your living room” Sandra sasses as she stands next to Chris’s mom, who has an unreadable expression on her face.

“Oh uh, hey ah Sandra are you?” she stutters as she fidgets with her fingers nervously.

“Oh I’m okay, you know. Just looking at vagina’s everyday but who doesn’t love a clean and good looking Vajayjay right?” Sandra says, her question causing a look of discomfort to appear on Chris’s face.

“Why don’t you two lovely ladies join us for breakfast huh?” Mrs Brooks says, whilst giving Chris a look which snaps her out of her frozen state.

“Yeah, Uhm of course” Chris says as she turns to head to the dining room only to turn around and say “after you ladies” with a courtesy which makes the rest of us giggle.

“Why thank you, kind sir” Sandra plays along as she struts after Mrs Brooks, leaving Chris and I alone.

An awkward silence befalls upon us, as we both avoid looking into each others eyes. Honestly, I can’t pinpoint the exact reason why I’m awkward too because I have been waiting for this moment since our girls night out a week ago.

“Are you two going to join us or what?” Mrs brooks asks, causing the both of us to silently and awkwardly walk to the dining room table.

I walk to the vacant chair on the right side of the table which happens to be next to a young, male looking version of Mrs Brooks and the muscular man who I conclude is Mr Brooks. Before I can take a seat, my chair is pulled back by a flushed looking Chris.

“Thank you” I thank her with a low voice and flushed face before taking my seat. Her character is just too much for me to handle.

She takes her seat next to her mom on the left side, before digging into her already filled place.

“Well eat up honey, before the food gets cold” Mrs Brooks says looking straight at me.

“Yes ma’am” I answer, trying to be respectful as I fill my plate up with food and dig in.

We eat our food in a comfortable mixture of silence and conversations revolving around our names, ages and places of origin.

I learn that Mr and Mrs Brooks names are Joseph and Emily and that they have been together for twenty five years but been married for twenty three years. Christian’s brother, Emmanuel is actually twenty one and is in university studying medicine. Of course her brother is a smart person.

Emily, is an interior designer who usually just works for famous people and Joseph is an architect. What a perfect combination.

Doing the calculations in my head though, something doesn’t seem to add up as I try to calculate Chris’s age from the time they’ve been together, which makes her twenty four years old which... doesn’t make sense to me. I’m pulled out of my thoughts by the three retreating figures who I notice to be the Brooks family.

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