chapter 21

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No one's point of view

Pacing back and forth, Christian can’t help but wonder what the fuck is going on.

The white hospital walls aren’t helping either as they’re reminding her of where she is and why she is there.

Incompetent doesn’t begin to describe just how Christian is feeling. If feels as though she has failed at her job and doesn’t deserve her badge.

She’s been so occupied with Elizabeth that she has failed to ensure her safety and failed at being her best detective self. Now she’s just a detective by name.

“If you keep pacing like that you’ll give the both of us headaches” David says, cutting Christian from her pacing.

“What’s taking them so long?” Christian asks as she takes a seat on one of the chairs.

“This is probably why she wanted to talk to me that day” Christian mumbles as realization kicks in.

“What?” David asks, not quite hearing what she says.

“She knows who the killer is” Christian says, not noticing the panicked look that flashes on David’s face.

“What do you mean?” He asks, masking the expression on his face.

“She wanted to talk to me a few days ago, and I think it was about the case but I told her to come find you as I was in a hurry” Christian says, sighing dejectedly at her mistake “Did she not talk to you?” she asks, hoping that Selena had at least said something to him.

“No, we haven’t really seen or spoken to each other in a while” David says, lying through his teeth.

“Damnit” Christian Exclaims in frustration.

An hour later, the doctor approaches them from the operation room.

“How is she?” Christian asks immediately as she lays eyes on her.

“Miss Jamison had to undergo a surgery to remove the bullet that was lodged in her right lung. We were able to remove it but her lung had filled with too much blood which we had to remove. She is stable but unfortunately she’s in an induced coma to stop the brain from swelling due to the blunt forced trauma she received to the back of the head” Doctor Pierson says, giving both detectives a sympathetic look “You can go in to see her, but I must warn you that she doesn’t look really good right now” she says, leading both detectives to Selena’s room.

Both David and Christian gasp at the sight before them. Selena lays still on the hospital bed with a tube down her throat. Ivy cords connected to her left hand. The heart monitor showing her somewhat steady heartbeat.

“I’ll give you guys some time” Doctor Pierson says before leaving.

Once the door closes, Christian walks dejectedly towards the bed, where her friend lays in an unfortunate condition.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. This wouldn’t have happened if I had just listened to you and not acted like I don’t have a duty to uphold” she says, tears running down her face. “I’ll make this right. I’ll catch that bastard and I’m going to make their life a living hell” she continues, lightly squeezing Selena’s hand before she lets go.

“We’ve got to set up a security system here. If the killer knows that she’s still alive they may just try to finish the job” Chris says to David.

‘but I won’t let that happen’

“I’ll be back” Chris says as she leaves the room to answer the phone, leaving behind David and an unconscious Selena.

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