chapter 19

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No one's point of view

The next day, all David can do is stress out. He’s got a day to tell his best friend a secret he’s been keeping since they met.

Christian is a loving person, albeit rather tough on the exterior but she has a heart, and if there’s one thing that she doesn’t tolerate, it’s lies.

David knows that, knows that when she finds out who he really is and what he’s done, he might as well kiss their friendship goodbye.

As he paces around his living room at 12 in the afternoon, he fails to notice the presence that has joined him.

“I see it’s taking a toll on you now” David hears Selena say and he snaps his head in her direction really fast he almost gets whiplash.

“What are you doing here?” he asks her, rather coldly as he’s not in the mood for any threats.

“I’m just making sure that you know I’m serious, you have until tomorrow to tell her or you’ll be forced to” she says as she takes a seat on the couch without permission.

“Yeah sure, make yourself at home” David mumbles sarcastically as he takes a seat on the other couch.

David did a lot of thinking last night, trying to peace out how exactly he was capable of making such a mistake. Surely his source would have told him about the hidden cameras, so his sources definitely had no idea about this.

“How exactly did you find this footage or the cameras? Because the search team failed to find them” David asks, the one question that has been boggling his mind none stop.

“That’s because they were looking for big things in obvious places. They were looking for cameras outside the house and the streets. No one was looking for a camera in the house let alone the bathroom” Sandra says, making a point with her words.

According to tabloids and close friends, Michael Andrews was known as the loving, party going man who did not like being in the papers unless necessary. What a humble man, his close ‘friend’s’ thought, or pretended to think because everyone else thought otherwise.

“On my day off I had asked chief Phobes to allow me the chance to visit the crime scene in order to find more evidence. She said it was okay and thought that I was going to find something to incriminate Elizabeth with which I thought was weird but I didn’t question it” Sandra says, recalling the day she was able to find the cameras and iPhone with the footage.

“When I got there I didn’t bother with searching the outside and headed straight inside. The entire place was spotless, you really wouldn’t think that someone was murdered there” she continues telling her story, David listening intently to her “I went into the bathroom and started looking around, nothing looked out of place except for the four tiny butterflies positioned in every corner of the bathroom” she says, giving David a smile as though encouraging him to guess what she’s going to say next.

“The cameras” David says with realization. How could he have been so careless as not to search for such trivial things. He was rather promised that it was safe so this fuck up is messing with him.

“Turns out they were also in the bedrooms, other bathrooms and even the dining room and kitchen. He was spying on his wife just as much as he was making sex tapes. Dumbass. Well, once I figured out that there were cameras, I started looking for the device whereby he kept the videos. I searched the bedrooms, his office which is the only room where I couldn’t find a camera. I even checked the bathroom and  kitchen and the dining room but NADA, so I figured that living room it is” she says, walking towards David’s TV stand and standing right in front of it.

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