The "heartthrob" (4, last)

Start from the beginning

Neil creased his right hand on her cheek and smiled at Avni who was leaking into his touch. He got up from the ground and went towards the couch in his room and called his assistance.

"Hello sir" by the sound of the greeting of his assistance, it looked like he was sleeping.

"I will not come to office tomorrow at all, cancel all of the meetings and plans I have. If needed you can have a day off and enjoy yourself." Neil told his assistance calmly yet seriously.

On the other hand his assistance took the phone away from his ear and looked at the caller id confusedly.

'Was this the same, his one and only arrogant boss Neil Khanna?' thought his assistance.

"Vikram are you even listening to me?" Neil stir voice was enough to bring Vikram back to reality. "Sorry sir, I will do it right away. And thank....." Before he could even thank Neil for a day off, Neil hang up.

Neil then dropped a text to DD telling him to handle everything in the office on his behalf if something occurred. Then he called someone to make some preparations for him and his wife. After making sure everything was done for tomorrow, Neil lay down on the couch and while looking at Avni sleeping peacefully and closed his eyes to sleep in hope to have a better start of his life with his wife.


Avni woke up feeling fresher and comfortable than usual. Suddenly, she realized something. Rain, her getting wet, Neil leaving her and.... the truck.

'Holy moly snickers bar!! Did she die at a young age??' Avni thought.

Avni started to touch her hands and face saying things under her breath, which made Neil wake up. He looked towards the bed to only find a weird yet entertaining scene.

Avni had a horrifying look on her face. She was constantly touching her face and muttering something under her breath from which Neil could only hear the part where she said, "Am I dead?"

Neil was amused seeing this Avni. She was something else.

Neil could not help himself, "No you are not dead" Avni quickly looked toward Neil.

It was so quick that she had to move her head a little above it could have definitely cracked.

Seeing Neil with a smile on his face and sitting in front of her made Avni even more shocked than she was before.

The next thing she did made Neil shut his eyes tightly, while protecting his ears. Avni screamed on top of her lungs. It was like an earthquake had came.

Avni could not believe that Neil was in front of her and smiling. His smile was the last thing in the world that she would get. She could not believe anything around her, she pinched herself, "Ouch!"

She had pinched herself a lot harder than she would have. Avni busy in herself that she did not noticed when Neil started to walk towards her and sat on the bed.

Avni looked up shockingly and saw Neil smiling, again. She could not help herself but say, "You are not Neil Khanna"

Neil looked at her dumbfounded, her heartbeat started to get faster and faster. Neil bite on his lower lip to control himself from laughing, "Than where is Neil Khanna?" Neil tilted his head sideways.

"You can not be Neil, who are you?" Avni just could not believe that he was actually him. He was behaving a little too weird, "Avni I am Neil Khanna, your husband." Neil was super amused.

Neil stood up from the bed and pulled Avni with him, " Get freshen up and I will make breakfast."

Avni nodded her head and as started to walk towards the bathroom, "And if you do not mind than can you please take my clothes out, please?" That made Avni pause. This was definitely not Neil.

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