Sing for the stars

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Where could you be?

My mysterious boy

Did you run away from me?

I'm here all alone

Only singing our song

I don't even know your name

Yet why does my heart sing for you?

The beautiful melody you made is still within me

Can we sing together again?

Can we see the stars shine for us again?

Can they be our audience once more?

I don't want to feel this pain in my chest anymore

Why did you leave?

Are you ever going to come back?

Are we still going to sing for the stars?

The stars are waiting for us

To sing another song

Will you be able to make it today?

Will you be in our spot today?

Even if it's for the last time

I want us to sing for the stars once more

To let them know we are okay

That all of this wasn't an illusion

I just want to sign for the stars with you


inspired by a story that I am currently writing, "Chasing the Stars" a Jungkook fanfic

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