To my Muslim community

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To my Muslim community

I know it must be hard for you

Living in this cruel society

Feeling overwhelmed

And disappointed in humanity

The world shouldn't be treating

Wonderful people

Like you all this cruel

My Muslim friends

I ask for your forgiveness

On behalf of all those ignorant people

I may never feel the pain

You all go through every day

But I can say for sure

I will always be here for you

When you want to rant

About this inhumane society

And when you want to spread awareness

I thank you for being a part of this world

And on behalf of America

I apologize for everything that has happened

These people don't understand

What human rights are

And are so quick to judge

But many of us

Are trying to make a change

And shining light to your problems

Your voices don't go unheard

Please keep speaking up

Inform this community about everything

It's your time to fight for your rights too

It's time to show everyone

What you go through every day to survive

Please keep being you

And never change for others

My Muslim friends

You have always been there for me

You helped me cheer up

And helped me have a voice

Never change

I will forever

Have your people in my heart

Thank you for everything you have done

I love you all my Muslim friends


I am not Muslim, but I hear your voice. Many of my friends are Muslim and they have been one of my biggest supports in life. They have always helped me see the good in everything I do and always pushed me to do my best.  

Thank you my Muslim friends for always being there. I love you all so much.

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