72: I'm gonna love u like I'm gonna lose you

Start from the beginning

"I think I'll pass this time," Jungkook said.

"Me too," Jimin said.

"Oh come on, since when do you two turn down drinks?" Yoongi asked, but he was well aware of the true reason why Jikook didn't want to drink.

"Look we just don't want to drink this time, can't you respect that?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Seems like you of all people really need it, no offense."

Jungkook scowled.

"Guysss relaaax," Namjoon slurred his words, already starting to get drunk. "We just finishedd a concccert so let's be proouud of that."

"I'm proud!!" Tae said like an excited puppy and started dancing around and played music.

"Yoongi would you like to dance with me?" Hobi asked in his deep voice and held out his hand.

Yoongi giggled. "Of course," he said and took his hand.

Jikook glared as Sope did the Tango right in front of them.

"They're rubbing it in our faces that they can stay under control while drinking huh?" Jungkook asked Jimin.

"Yep," Jimin responded and sighed. "I wanna let loose too but obviously we can't drink with the others around or something might happen."

"What if we have only a little?" Jungkook asked. "We shouldn't have trouble staying in control that way."

Jimin thought about it for a second. "Hmm..alright let's do it. I really needed a drink anyway, especially after that fake gun incident..." Jimin said and they both took sips. But they both ended up finishing their drinks... and perhaps a few more.

"Heyy Jimin-sssiii why are you so sexy?" Jungkook asked and climbed over him on the couch. Jimin giggled and hiccuped. "I don't knoww Kookie, you tell me," he said and slid his hand beneath Jungkook's shirt to feel up his abs.

Yoongi quickly saw what was going on at the couch and made Hobi stop dancing with him. Hobi pouted but the older was too fed up with Jikook. "Look at them... fuck it, I'm telling Namjoon right now. I told them if they do something too obvious again that I'd tell him," Yoongi said to the drunk Hobi.

"Alright baaabe," Jhope said. "But why do you care so much about them?"

"Ughh because if they get caught doing something like THAT on camera then it's over for us, we could even get blacklisted!" Yoongi said then walked up to their leader and tapped his shoulder. Yoongi had a high alcohol tolerance so he didn't have any problems talking and acting normal. "Namjoon listen there's something I need to tell you."


"Have you noticed how close Jimin and Jungkook have been lately?"

"I guessss."

"Well they're a real couple now," Yoongi said seriously.

Namjoon laughed hard, almost sounding crazy. "What? There's no waaaay Jungkook is gayyy. I meeann Jimin obviously he—"

"They're real. Just look at the fucking couch right now!"

Namjoon squinted. "I can't seee anything," he said and felt his head spinning.

"Look harder!!!" Yoongi said and pushed Namjoon closer.

"Uhhh.... I seeee couchhh."

Yoongi slapped his forehead. "Don't you see Jungkook trapping Jimin beneath him!! They look like they're about to make out!!!"

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