21: You're my Light...

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Tae thought he heard something outside so he said, "Um guys I think we should check outside..."

"Oh I think that's Jungkook cleaning up the lanterns he broke but I'll check." Namjoon said.

"Jungkook smashed the lanterns? The rainbow ones?" Jimin asked. He loved those lanterns for some reason.

"Yeah... he just got so mad from that manga," Namjoon answered.

Right the "manga." What is it with Jungkook and breaking things with light inside them? My lamp, the lanterns, and... me. My heart lit up for you Jungkook... but you broke that too... Jimin thought.

Namjoon stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he opened the door to outside. When everyone saw the commotion, their jaws dropped to the floor in bewilderment.

Jungkook and Yoongi were fighting on the floor, each equally bloody.

"Uhh uhhh." Was all that came out of Namjoon's mouth.


"Well l-let's see here!!" Namjoon stuttered as he flipped through the pages of a kpop-idol-manual. "If members get in a fight the first thing you should do is break it up!" He said, reading a page.

Tae started rushing over to Jungkook and Yoongi, who were strangling each other now.

"Hey I need some help over here!!" Tae beckoned to the bystanders.

Namjoon shook his head. "You guys know I'm a passivist... and I ain't strong either..."

Jimin and Hobi shared a look. Hobi didn't want to touch Yoongi because that would be beyond awkward. And Jimin didn't want to touch Jungkook for the same reason.

Jin ran over instead. Taehyung yanked Jungkook and Jin yanked Yoongi, pulling the brawling boy's away from each other. Even apart, they stared menacingly at the other, growling and grinding their teeth like two dogs who can't get along.

Tae turned Jungkook around. "Jungkook that's enough," Tae said sternly. "What's going on here?" He whispered.

"I'll tell you everything later when I can hyung..."

Tae frowned. "I can't believe this happened..." he said.

Namjoon read the next direction: "Okay, uh next is to clean any possible injuries..."

They were tattered with blood and bruises, but luckily not enough to go to the hospital.

The only ones not doing anything were Jimin and Jhope. Namjoon looked at them, "Jhope can you get bandaids and medicine for Suga, and Jimin can you get the same for Jungkook please."

Jimin and Jhope cringed on the inside. But both nodded anyway.

"Let's bring them inside where it's not as hot," Namjoon said.


Tae and Jin did as told and made the two sit apart in different rooms. Jin brought Suga to one of the bathrooms with a first aid kit, and Jhope followed. Then Jin put Suga gently on the edge of the bathtub.

"Ow ow it really hurts..." Yoongi moaned.

"Jhope you patch up Yoongi while I make sure no one gets in and no one gets out of this room," Jin said as he closed the door.

Jhope cleared his throat and grabbed the first aid kit.

Yoongi had a blank, cold stare plastered on his face as he watched Hobi fumble to get the ointment.

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