"Wake up!" The boys shouted at me. "Hm, no." I groaned, rolling over. Someone flew a pillow at me. I sat up. "Happy birthday." The said. I looked at what they were holding. They made me breakfast. "Aw, thank you guys. Is the kitchen ruined?" I said. "Sort of." Smalls said. I groaned and tossed the covers off of me. "Where's Philips?" I asked. "He said he need to go get something." Bertram said. "Oh okay. I can't eat all of this." I said. The boys sat on my bed and we eat breakfast. I looked at my clocked at it was 5:45. "Get out, I have to get ready." I said. They hurried and left. I got undressed and put on pants. (Clothes in media)
I put a tank top on and threw a leather jacket on. I put red eyeshadow and red lipstick on. I curled my hair into waves. I grabbed socks and scrambled around my room until I got them on. This is when I realized a present was on my dresser. I sat on the chair and unwrapped my present. They were my navy blue PF flyers. I saw the card. I opened it. 'I hope you like it sweetheart. Have a great day. -love Momma.' The card said. I loved it, I couldn't cry. I was tearing up. I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked great. I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. The guys were ready. "Let's go before we are late for the bus like last time." I said. We walked to the bus stop and Philip was waiting for us. "Nice shoes hot stuff." Philip said. "Thank you." I said. He handed me roses and daisies. I grabbed them and hugged him. I had to stand on my tippy toes. "Your welcome." He said, hugging me back. We kissed and he squeezed my butt. I pulled away and giggled. "You have red lipstick on our lips." I said. He wiped it off and looked at me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said.
We arrived at school and Garrett was waiting for us at my locker. We was holding a Starbucks refresher and a little box. "Happy birthday." Garrett said. "Thank you Garrett. You didn't have to get me anything." I said. "It's nothing." He said, handing it to me. I grabbed my Starbucks and the present. "Can someone hold this?" I said. Philip held my Starbucks. I opened the box. I looked and it was New York Yankees tickets. "Oh my god. My team is playing this Sunday." I said. I gave Garrett the biggest hug. "Thank you, thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." I said. "It's no problem. Oh and you can sit with the team because they are dugout tickets." He said, letting go of me. "I get to sit with my team." I said, jumping up and down. I was like a five year old getting more cake. I calmed myself down. I thanked Philips for holding my drink. I drank it. "This is the best birthday." I said. "I wish I could go." Benny said. "That's why I'm here for. I can get in for free. I never needed a ticket." I said. His eyes widen. "When's the game?" Philip asked. "It's this Sunday. You guys need a ticket but I don't." I said. I gave them the tickets and I opened my locker. I grabbed my binder for today and closed my locker. "Kenzye, happy birthday." Fawn said. "Thank you girl." I said, she hugged me. I hugged her back. She handed me a huge gift bag. "What did you get me?" I asked. "You have to see for yourself." She said. I took the tissue paper out of the bag. I looked inside and it's a picture of us. "I love it. I'm going to put it on my wall when I get home. Oh, I almost forgot. You are invited to my party tonight at 5." I said. "I've never been invited to anyone's birthday party." She said. "It will be the best party you can ever go to." I said. "That will be good. What should I wear?" She said. "Jeans and a t-shirt. We're playing baseball." I said. "Okay, I'm going to class see ya girly." She said, walking away. Philips kissed me and I kissed back. "I'll see in third period." I said. I walked to class and my teacher handed me a little blue box. I opened the box and it was New York Yankees tickets for all my friends. "Sir, I don't know what to say." I said. "You don't have to say anything. Have fun with your friends." Mr.Johnson said. "Thank you. You need one and your wife. I'm related to a player, I don't need a ticket." I said, handing him two tickets. I walked to my desk. I was happy. "So your the birthday girl." A popular girl said. "Yeah I am, why." I said. "I don't like that your getting attention and I'm not." She said. "I can't stop having my birthday." I said. I was confused why she was talking to me. "I'll hate you and your friends for the rest of my existence." She said. "Okay, you're yesterdays news." I said. I turned to Garrett. "She was annoying." I said. "So this is your boyfriend." She said. "No, he's my brother." I said. I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, she's my sister." He said. She left. "Thank you for acting like my brother." I said. "No problem." He said.
School ended and I had so many gifts from the teachers. I really appreciated them. I finally felt safe at a school. The boys had to help me with the bags. "Thanks guys, see you at 5:30." I said. The boys left and I went to my room to put everything away. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "So we are setting everything up right now. Can you help me win the chips and salsa." Mom said. I helped her with the chips and salsa. The door swung open. "Lily where should I set the present at?" Noah said. "In the backyard there's a table out there. Benny will show you." Mom said. "Happy birthday Kenzye." Noah said. "Thank you Noah. I'm glad you could make it." I said with a smile on my face. "I invited the Worth's at the last minute." Mom said. "I don't care. Oh and Garrett gave me two tickets to the New York Yankees. I gave them to my favorite people." I said. "Who are they?" She asked. "Benny and Philips plus I don't need a ticket to get into one. I was born into that team." I said. "When's the game?" She asked. "It's this Sunday and the Sandlot boys have tickets too." I said. "Oh have fun." She said, sounding sad. "Did you think I forgot you?" I said, grabbing a ticket out of my back pocket. "Where did you get the money for that?" She asked. "I have two VIP dugout tickets. I wasn't going to leave you home. Do you think I'm that selfish?" I said. She hugged me. I hugged back. "They are a lifetime VIP tickets so they never expire." I said. She was happy.
Everyone was arriving and Philip was the last person to get here. He had a huge box. I hope he didn't spend a lot of money.
"Open the presents then you can go play baseball." Mom said. I grabbed Philips present then he didn't let me open it. "Open it in private." He whispered in my ear. "Okay." I said, grabbing a different present. I grabbed Ham's present. "You're gonna love it." Ham said. I opened it and it was a blue glove. "Thank you Ham." I said. I grabbed Smalls present and opened it. There was a lot of hair ties. "Did your mom pick this out?" I said. "Yeah, I don't know what to buy a girl." He said. We laughed and I opened the twins present. It was a picture of all of us at the fair. "I got to say this is the best one by far." I said. I grabbed Yeah-Yeah's present. It was a New York Yankees hat. It was a peach colored one. I never seen a peach colored hat. "Thank you." I said. "It was hard to tie dye." He said. I grabbed Bertram's present. It was heavy. I opened it and it was a huge stuffed teddy bear. "This is so cute. Thanks Bertram." I said. "No problem." He said. Kenny grabbed his and gave it to me. I opened the box and it was a new metal bat. "Yes I needed a new one thanks Kenny." I said. He nodded and I grabbed Squints present. I opened to see cute fake glasses that look like his. I put them on. "Do I look like Squints twin, yet?" I said. "Absolutely." Squints said. I laughed and I thanked everyone for they present, that they gave me. "You forgot one present." Mom said. "Who did I miss?" I asked. "Noah's." She said handing it to me. I opened it to see my Dad and his team on the day he was going to see me. I put the picture on the table and got up. I hugged Noah. "Thank you Noah. I really need that picture. How did you get that picture?" I said. He hugged me back. "I just asked Mr.Myrtle for the that they took that day." Noah said. "Thank you, that's the day he was coming home for me." I said. "No problem kiddo. Now go play baseball and we will put your stuff away." He said.
We went and played baseball like there was no tomorrow. I tested my new baseball bat and I was great. The sun was setting and Mom called us in. "Bye guys, see ya at the dance." I said. Philips was spending the night. I went up to my room and Philips came up too. I saw his present on my bed and I decided to open it. It was a teddy bear that speaks. I hugged it and it was Philips  voice telling me that he loves me. "Thank you babe." I said, kissing his cheek. "It was nothing plus you mean the world to me." He said.
We fell asleep and today was the absolutely the best birthday I have ever had.

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