Take the Blame

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"Insubordination." T'chet stood with xer upper extremities clasped behind xer back. "You were not permitted for flight."

"It was an exemplary flight for the humans to observe our aircraft thoroughly."

"You were given clear instructions."

"Yes, xir. I followed said instructions. The humans did not touch any panels."

"You are aware that there is no unauthorized use of transportation vehicles allowed. This was an unauthorized flight."

"I was permitted to show the humans the aircraft. This included a flight."

"That is an untrue statement. You are now committing falsehoods with your superior."

"No, xir. It was my interpretation of your instructions. It was incorrect but not direct disobedience." That was a falsehood, though. Xe had told the humans, 'no,' until Jessica had convinced xem otherwise. Xe had broken many regulations to please her.

"We have noticed, Knycuz." T'chet walked closer. "The other superiors. We have seen how the humans have changed Zork'ak. The way xe responded to the reassignment xe received, it was unlike xem. It was not appropriate." Xe stopped with minimal space between them, forcing Knycuz to look up. "You, too, have been in the humans' presence often as of late. Have you learned inappropriate behavior as well?"

"No, xir. It was a misunderstanding."

T'chet turned around, walking towards the window. Xe stopped, staring out across the terrain as xe said, "a commanding officer must know protocols and safety measures. If you are unable to follow them, you are unfit to enforce them."

Knycuz felt as if a physical object had slammed into xer chest. "I am aware of protocols, xir."

"You not only allowed but also conducted an unauthorized flight. You seem to have forgotten why all leaves of the base must be approved."

"Xir, it was not purposeful."

"I will discuss with the Commander. My plan as of now is to demote you."

Knycuz wanted to speak, to argue, but xe couldn't. It was inefficient to question superiors' instructions. So instead xe sat, waiting until T'chet said, "you're dismissed."

Knycuz went directly to Zork'ak's office, not waiting for permission before swiping xer talons to enter the room. Unfortunately, xe was not inside. Knycuz stayed inside, walking back and forth inside the small room. After a quarter of a cycle, Knycuz managed to breathe enough to brave looking for Zork'ak in the human's laboratory. Indeed, the Klyl was against the wall next to Wren.


Xe looked up. Wren, too, turned her head. "Hey! Come to hang out with us, too?" Knycuz had never had such a lack of control of xer facial muscles. Wren noticed, too, her eyebrows tipped up in the middle. "What's wrong?" She looked to Zork'ak.

"We just need to discuss the upcoming agenda for the officers' meeting." Zork'ak stood up. "We will return in a tenth of a cycle." Xe clasped Knycuz on the shoulder, turning towards the door.

"What happened?"

"I poorly decided to break protocol."

"Why did you decide that?"

"The humans requested to see the aircraft fly."

"T'chet did not approve this request?"

"I did not ask permission." Knycuz looked down at the floor. "I was allowed to show the humans the aircraft as long as none of them touched any panels."

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