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Zork'ak was trying, genuinely trying, to conduct an accurate study on the humans. Xe just couldn't find the urge that xe used to experience when analyzing different behaviors. Xe did not care about the how or why. The humans had emotions that could impact others and the Klyls were not going to be able to understand, protect against, or manipulate these emotional impacts. Still, Zork'ak was trying.

While xe was working with Shraq on the current reports of bond attachment and unusual feelings due to exposure to the humans, Xrent walked into the lab. Zork'ak tried to be calm, to listen to what Xrent had to say without getting angry or letting that anger affect xer body.

"Hello, Xrent," Zork'ak said.

Xrent inclined xer head. "Zork'ak. Shraq."

"What assistance do you require?"

"The Commander sent me here to discuss with the two of you as I am lead analyst with the humans. Xe wishes to have a more thorough understanding of 'emotions' than what the two of you collected."

Zork'ak's talons were balling up. Xrent was not the lead analyst. Xe did not know these humans the way Zork'ak did. "What do you have to share?"

"In regards to the development of these feelings, it appears that you need an extended period of time with a well bonded group. Their emotional manipulation will not affect any species that have not learned these emotions from the humans."

"Yes, we are aware of this fact." Zork'ak's teeth were clenched, xer words clipped.

"No," Shraq said, scrolling through xer notes, "that is not recorded in your reports."

Zork'ak's extremities loosened a touch. "I must have dismissed it initially since we were not investigating human emotions at that point in time."

Xrent nodded. "It is my primary focus now." Xe turned back to Shraq, which infuriated Zork'ak more as Xe was being dismissed. "These emotions tend to develop around forty cycles after continuous exposure."

Zork'ak almost snapped at Xrent again but forced xer mouth to stay closed. Xe picked up a screen, scrolling through Shraq's highlighted sections. Zork'ak has not bothered to look through xer notes after xer reassignment, but xe could see now how little insight xe had been providing. Xe had written on the 'surprise' and the 'what ifs' and the 'challenges,' but these human tendencies did not actually further Klyls knowledge in a beneficial way, just to understand the human species more thoroughly. It was the original intended study, but with recent developments, the attention had been diverted to the threats the humans would pose.

Xrent was still talking when Zork'ak turned and walked out of the laboratory, barely noticed by the other two Klyls.

"There." Zork'ak slammed the tablet on the Commander's desk, not bothering to knock before walking into the room. The Commander looked up from where xe was working on a project, pulling the tablet towards xem.

"What is this?"

"A full report on emotions and their possible threat. Timelines, physiological effects, the order in which they develop, definitions. All the information that is needed in both knowing how to effect a human negatively and how to protect Klyls."

The Commander's lips pursed, and xe looked down, scrolling through the report. "Where was this information during your fourth cycle reports?"

"I had been viewing the emotions subjectively, more focused on human behavior. With the attention turned towards this topic, I objectively studied my time with them."

The Commander nodded. "Thank you for re-evaluating your time. I will read the report after I complete my current project. You are dismissed."

But Zork'ak didn't move. Xer heart was pounding, xer stomach hurt, but xe refused to allow Xrent to be with xer humans any longer. Those humans were Zork'ak's, and xe belonged both with and to those humans. So despite the fear that Zork'ak could feel coursing through xer body, xe stood there.

The Commander looked up. "Do you have more information you need to provide?"

"I want my old position back."

"You want?"

"Yes, I want. I know the humans best. They trust me and include me and explain things to me. And I know these emotions and how they feel, and I will no longer hide it."

"Zork'ak, you are to follow my orders."

"In this instance, your orders will not bring the most benefit. If you want information, good, insightful information, you will reinstate me."

The Commander scrolled through Zork'ak's report, Zork'ak waiting as xe did. Xer heart was pounding so hard that Zork'ak could hardly believe it. Xer body was trembling slightly without any control. Finally, the Commander looked up.

"You have provided a thorough and much more advanced report than Xrent. It is obvious that you are more knowledgeable, and Xrent will take longer to come to the same conclusions." The Commander paused, xer eyes scanning over Zork'ak's face. "You are reinstated. I will send word to Xrent to assume your position in the laboratory."

Zork'ak inclined xer head and calmly walked out of the office. As soon as xe was out of sight, xe raced towards the laboratory, busting through the doors to find several of the humans gathered around talking.

"Zor?" Adam was standing closest to the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I have been reinstated."

"Really?" Wren was up and running straight towards xem, throwing her arms around xer waist.

"That's so good to hear," Jessica said. "Xrent was quite boring."

"How'd you get back?" Adam clapped Zork'ak on the back.

"I told the Commander I knew more."

"You stood up to the Commander?"

"Yes, I told him I had emotions, and I wanted to have my position back. It was quite fearful."

"Courage is always a mix of fear and adrenaline."


Adam nodded. "Facing a situation that is scary, even if you really want to turn away."

Zork'ak like that word: courage. Yes, xe could use more of that.

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