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Shraq was waiting in the laboratory when Zork'ak walked in with Wren. Xe immediately bristled, xer scales snapping together but xe carefully kept xer poisonous layer below the outer layer so as not to hurt anyone. The site of Shraq still angered Zork'ak. Xe was too incompetent to work in xer department, and never should xe be near the humans. Zork'ak's humans.

"Hey, Shraq," Wren said as the two approaches the Klyl. Zork'ak reached forward, xer talons carefully holding Wren's hand.


The humans were still filtering in from first meal, all them slowly coming up to the unusual...guest.

"Report." Zork'ak was still a commanding officer over Shraq but now that xe had xer position back...Xe should not have felt so amused at the ability to tell Shraq what to do.

"I was to do a follow-up report on emotional transmission."

Zork'ak stepped closer to the Klyl. "That is my assignment. You are dismissed."

Shraq swallowed, xer voice quieter. "The Commander requested that I return for three cycles to ascertain prolonged effects during intermediate exposure to humans."

Zork'ak's teeth were clenched. "Assignment accepted." Shraq nodded. "Which humans were you more frequently exposed to?"

"Adam, Jessica, and Wren." A heat flashed through Zork'ak. Not Adam. And especially not Wren. No, they were xers and xers only.

Wren pulled at Zork'ak's extremity. "I have to work on my experiment. It's time sensitive." Zork'ak nodded, and Wren went to her bench beside Carrie.

Zork'ak looked around, locating Adam. He and Jessica were standing together. "You may observe Jessica and Adam. They are working on a project together." Shraq nodded, turning towards the opposite side of the room. Zork'ak watched xem as xe slowly walked to the space on the bench next to Wren. Adam and Jessica greeted Shraq, and Zork'ak felt another flicker of anger as they accepted the Klyl to join them.

Zork'ak grabbed Adam's upper extremity, forcing him to pause as the others moved into the corridor towards the meal room. Even Shraq continued along, speaking to Lyle. "I do not like that Shraq is here."

"Xe is just on an assignment, Zor."

"Xe has no place. Xe was removed from this assignment, my assignment. Now, xe tells me that xe bonded with you and Jessica and," Zork'ak's nostrils flared, "and Wren."

"It's not like that. Shraq is not our friend like you. Xe was here for a short amount of time, and we have no reason not to allow xem to further a bit of research. That's why we're here, right? To help the Klyls learn more?"

Zork'ak bit hard, clenching xer jaw. "I suppose."

"Come on." Adam patted Zork'ak's shoulder. "Let's go eat."

Zork'ak stopped as xe entered the meal room. Shraq was sitting in Zork'ak's space. Next to Wren. Talking to her.

Adam could see where Zork'ak's eyes had focused in on. "Zor, it's not that big of a deal."

"The Commander replaced me with xem, and I was not allowed to interact with you during that time. It is a problem for me, Adam. The Commander sent a replacement, and you all accepted it. And now, xe is back, and you all treat xem, well, you treat Shraq like me."

"Zor, that's not true."

But then Wren laughed. She was looking at Shraq, those beautiful eyes turned on a Klyl that did not understand her, did not know her, did not deserve that look. And she was laughing. Zork'ak's favorite sound, and it was wasted on a low ranking Klyl who had no right to try to understand these humans.

Zork'ak marched forward without thinking, stopping in between Shraq and Wren. Wren smiled up at xem, which eased the irritation flowing beneath. "Are you going to grab a bowl?" She asked.

"Oh, yes. I just needed to tell you something first."

She turned towards xem. "Yes?"

That was when Zork'ak realized xe only wanted to direct Wren's attention. Even more, Zork'ak wished to show Shraq that Wren was xers, but xe didn't know if she actually was. Xe hadn't talked about it yet. But she was sitting there waiting and none of the humans were listening, so xe said quietly, "you are beautiful when you laugh."

And that earned Zork'ak a large grin. It was a phrase that Adam had taught to Zork'ak, a way to make Wren somewhat understand how xe felt about her physically. Shraq turned away slightly as Wren looked up at Zork'ak with those blue eyes that xe wanted to only look at xem.

Adam touched xer shoulder. "You coming?"

"Yes." Xe touched her cheek gently. "We will return."

Adam was shaking his head. "You told her she was beautiful, didn't you?"

"How did you know?"

"1. You wanted Shraq to know you and Wren are intimate. 2. The way she looked at you." He turned to look at xem. "You are being a bit overprotective."

"What is that?"

"It's where you don't want someone to talk to your human, especially someone you feel threatened by."

Zork'ak let out a deep laugh. "Threatened? I am physically trained better and much higher ranking than Shraq."

"Then why are you so bothered that xe is talking to Wren?"

Zork'ak peeked over to where she was sitting; Shraq was indeed talking to her again. "I just do not feel that Shraq understands her."

Adam laughed, rolling his eyes. "You don't want xem to get to know her. You want to be the one who knows her best." Zork'ak's mouth pressed into a tight line. "You want her to be yours and for xem to know it. If only you had talked to her." Adam tilted his head.

"I will." Zork'ak picked up xer designated bowl.

"You better. Because right now," they turned around to look at the table, "you don't have a reason to be protective."

Zork'ak's stomach felt as if it had hollowed out as xe realized that Adam was correct. Xe could not claim Wren as xer own until xe knew how she felt. So xe sat down across from her at the bench and endured the conversation that included Shraq.

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