Unreciprocated Desires

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Knycuz sat on Zork'ak's left at the commanding officer meeting, an unusual occurrence. The primary commanders tended to sit on one side of the table, the Commander in the middle of the four, while the upper ranks sat on the opposing side. Zork'ak's superior rank seemed very small now, though, with their dual involvement with the humans. Xe found xemself watching Knycuz in a way Klyls did not, not evaluating and dismissing threats and inferiors, but actually watching xem. Xer eyes were on xer direct superior, T'chet, superior commander of all external affairs. As superior commander of internal affairs, Zork'ak worked closer with T'chet than anyone else.

Knycuz's head may have been facing T'chet, but Zork'ak noticed the way xer eyes glazed over occasionally, the sign of losing concentration. Unfortunately, Zork'ak was not the only one who noticed Knycuz inattentiveness.

"Is there an issue with your concentration levels today, Officer?"

Knycuz's eyes widened as xe focused on T'chet. "No, xir." Zork'ak watched as xe swallowed several times. "I am processing your information without intaking visual stimuli."

T'chet nodded, proceeding to turn towards Azxan, superior commander of medicine and research. The two had been working with the biological technology that the humans had given Zork'ak to protect against the Zuessrq.

"Knycuz." Zork'ak paused just inside the doorway of the meeting room. Xe stopped, turning to face Zork'ak. Zork'ak guided Knycuz out of the room and down the corridor to xer office. Only after the door slid closed did xe speak.

"You were experiencing disruptions in your concentration levels during the meeting." Knycuz shook xer head, but Zork'ak held up xer talons. "Tell me, did it have to do with the irregularities of your restorative cycle," as Zork'ak could hear the occasional shuffling down the corridor just before xe woke Wren, "or is it a preoccupation with something?"

"I was processing what my superior commander was announcing and analyzing how I will adjust my plans according."

Zork'ak cocked xer head. "Liar." It's what Wren said to xem when she knew xe were withholding the truth.

Knycuz blinked rapidly. "I do not know the meaning of that term."

"You are being dishonest."

"Klyls do no-"

"Knycuz, I am aware that you are falsifying information." Zork'ak pressed xer mouth into a thin line. "You are willing to commit an intolerable act? And to a superior commander at that?"

Again, Zork'ak watched the way that Knycuz's throat moved. It was such a human gesture of insecurity, nervousness. "How do you do it?" Xe finally asked.

"Do what?"

"Be with Wren."

Zork'ak was slightly surprised that Knycuz was aware of xer...relationship with Wren. "I do not know what you are asking of me"

Knycuz ran xer talons across xer head. "I know that you care for her in ways that you do not care for the others, and I, too, have noticed your extended periods in the human corridor." Xer eyes dropped to the floor. "I do not comprehend how you are able to withstand and understand these feelings."

At that, Zork'ak had to suppress a small smile. "It...it is a struggle unlike anything we have trained against. It is unseen, uncontrollable, and nearly impossible to handle. But," Zork'ak shrugged, "it is worth it."

Knycuz collapsed into a chair next to Zork'ak's desk. "I do not believe she returns these emotions."

Zork'ak perched on the edge of xer desk. Such a human thing to do, to sit on a structure not meant for sitting when there was a chair nearby. "Wren told me she did not at first."

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