Sector Thirteen

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Just for some perspective, this would be around chapter forty-fifty if I was going in chapters instead of sectors. Chew on that for a bit.


- - - - Sector Thirteen - - - -
- - - - Part One - - - -
Okay, I Like Her

    Both boys had backpacks strapped on, and I hefted the sort of satchel thing I'd been given. Most of the stuff inside was food and other miscellaneous supplies. "Where are we?" I asked Logan. He shrugged as he looked around.

    "East of the city. Close to I-90, I think."

   "Okaaay." I turned to my phone, just making it simple by sharing my location with Lyra. She sent a quick text back to tell us that our new recruit was on the way.

    Felix looked around, hands in his pockets. "Did she tell you anything about them?"

    I shrugged. "Not really. Just that she was rational and would be a good addition to the team."

    He nodded slightly, turning his eyes to the sky. His eyes matched the bright color like lightning. An autumn breeze glided through the small clearing we were in. Logan himself plopped down and leaned against a tree. It was a peaceful moment in a hectic world, and I found myself relaxing for a second.

    Everything had been moving so fast. For me, it had only felt a few days ago that we left the cabin and Lyra. I'd been attacked multiple times, kidnapped, saved, attacked again, nearly hazed over twice, and saved lives in what felt like days and years at the same time. In reality, it had been almost two weeks since we left the cabin. Of course, I'd been hazed over for a lot of that time.

   I puffed out my cheeks as I thought about it. Our little group had the world torn in half because of their fear and trust. Some people wanted us to be put down like animals, and the others were glad for our help. It would be interesting to see where this went, to say the least.

   Something tinged at the end of my consciousness. Pausing, I closed my eyes to examine it. Something metal was headed toward us at incredible speed. Considering the only metal in the area was my weapons, a few things in our packs, and a nearby fence, that was something.

   "Well, something's coming." I opened my eyes. "Pretty fast, too."

    Felix looked over in interest. "It's our recruit, I'm guessing. How fast?"


   Logan stretched his elbows. "Maybe this guy has super speed?"

   "Not quite," a cheerful voice said from above our heads. I looked up and gawked.

   The woman above us by herself was strange, even without the fact that she was hovering in mid-air. She was wearing a full face mask and it looked like those white ones people wore when they practiced fencing or something similar. Pure white mesh. There wasn't a back to it, exposing multicolored hair as the woman lowered to the ground. She had just been floating. Her converse touched down.

    Even without seeing any of her face, I had a feeling she was smiling.

    "Glad to see you decided to meet me." She tugged off her mask, revealing her face. The right side was normal, with a dark brown eye, almond shaped, and rosy cheeks. Her hair was dark brown, save for the left side.

    There was a birthmark marring the left side of her face. It covered her eye, cheekbone, and forehead. Where it met her hair the strands were silver. Her eye itself was a faded blue and looked a bit sickly. I tried not to stare, wondering if it hurt her. She certainly didn't show it if that was the case.

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