Sector Twenty-Four

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- - - - Sector Twenty-Four - - - -

- - - - Part One - - - -

All in All...

     I had always seen the movies where there was a montage to show that time was passing. Usually, one would only see snippets of the main character as their life either starts to wraps up. The shots were small and down to the point, and quick. They would speed past in a blur.

     I had never thought that I'd consider part of my life as one of those.

     Time flew past. Events turned into blurs. In Washington, the President decided to show us our new headquarters. A skyscraper had been given to us and was under construction. The walls were mostly windows, instantly winning my favor.

     There was a medical set of floors that Dr. Keyan Bouvet was in charge of. He was training new doctors for specifically Mortem care. There was also a lab he was in charge of, where he was researching Mortems. He was looking for things like painkillers that would work on us, medical treatments. He was also searching for what exactly made us Mortems. How did it involve genetics? Was some of it just luck? So far, not much headway had been made. Everyone had high hopes, though. And we were patient.

     The bottom floor of the Center was like a lobby. We had hired several receptionists who would be able to contact us if someone walked in with a problem. We were currently working on getting a hotline for people to call, too. Then the rest of the Center was dedicated to rooms and spaces for Defenders to take a break or have a meeting.

    Besides that, New York had found a massive problem. Three hazed Mortems had somehow locked a group of humans inside a building and were keeping them hostage. It was then that we received our first hotline call, and directly from the mayor of New York. Inferno, Jumper, Valkyrie, Haze, Ghost, Mammoth, and I went to the scene and were able to catch the Mortems. Two woke up, and of the two one joined us. The other rational Mortem left. The third refused to wake from the haze.

     ARMMS was losing traction at last. The world was watching us with close eyes, but we were doing well. Lyra was on fire virally, still maintaining her position as the leader of the Angels. She had been called onto talk shows and everything.

     The world was coming back at last. The economy was booming. With Defender Centers established and still coming, people were finally starting to believe that we were here to help, and here to stay. The entertainment industry had returned. I had actually been hearing rumors of a movie being filmed about us -- now that I'd have to see.

    People were roaming the streets again. The Mutatio Disease was nearly extinct, with hardly a hazed Mortem left after nearly a year of working. As a precaution, people still kept their distance, but we had yet to see an upsurge. Nearly two fifths of the population had died, but the remaining were safe and that was all we could hope for.

    After the whole adventure in New York, I'd returned to the Center in D.C. and finally claimed one of the apartments inside. At least, until I could afford an apartment of my own. Felix and I both agreed to stay in D.C. for a while. Kansas City was doing well without us, and I wanted to stick around D.C. a bit longer.

    All in all, I was happy. I'd found a way to make the world a better place. And I was doing it with people I cared about, which made it all the better.

 And I was doing it with people I cared about, which made it all the better

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