Sector Twenty-Three

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- - - - Sector Twenty-Three - - - -
- - - - Part One - - - -
Oh . . . Crap

     The building itself wasn't burning. Inferno had apparently fixed that problem, but smoke still billowed from the windows. I guided myself up to an empty window and peered inside. There were voices. I lowered to the ground and stepped off of the board, about to walk inside.

   A cold blast of wind shot through the building. I stumbled over and cursed, the building creaking and groaning. My eyes widened with horror as I visibly saw the building shake. I held out my hands and focused, my power reaching out. They grazed the metal beams that was keeping the building standing. I forced them to hold still, and pressure tugging sharply on my stomach in response.

   The building stilled. The temperature had dropped considerably, making me start to worry. A shape suddenly was launched out of an empty window. Inferno fell toward the ground, and I shrieked as I panicked for something to do. Instead, fire exploded into a tornado and covered his body. I stumbled backwards and shielded my eyes, and by the time the fire had died, Inferno was on his feet and perfectly fine. Blood dripped from his cheek, and he wiped it away with narrowed eyes.

   Beside me, a woman emerged from the building. Her gait reminded me of a panther stalking their prey. She wore an outfit and silver and blue, sparkles twinkling across her body. Her hair was ash-blonde, her skin starkly dark against her suit. The air got colder as she got closer.

   "My my, Inferno. You seem to be out of practice."

   Inferno straightened, his shoulder visibly dislocated. Worried, I looked toward the lady and asked snarkily, "And who are you?"

   Inferno's head snapped toward me right away and his eyes narrowed. I was sure he knew exactly what I was doing; luring the woman away. She obliged, turning to face me. Ice crawled up her fingertips, and her painted-white lips twisted. "Argentum. Looking a little worse for wear. I suppose you've had your first run-in with Electron, have you?"

   "It was kinda pathetic." I shrugged, leaning on one leg and ignoring how my body was sore. "I had him tied up like a turkey in less than thirty seconds. He's still tied up, probably hopping around the streets somewhere. I bet he'll be the best online hit since the lawyer cat ages ago."

   Inferno fought a laugh at me. The woman narrowed her eyes. "He never was the smartest, his ego is a bit much. It doesn't take much to be a good villain, though." The air got colder and nipped at my bare skin. I tensed. She smiled. "All we have to be is powerful."

   Fire and ice exploded at the same time. The ice sailed directly at me while fire roared over the woman's head. I used both hands to mentally tug up my board, using it as a shield as the dagger shattered against it. The flames instantly blocked me from the woman, and I shot a scowl at Inferno as he stepped forward, eyes dancing with blue flames. "No one touches my baby sister."

    "Whoops." The woman smiled softly. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that Inferno now had his own nemesis. Fire and ice. He was right -- this was his fight, not mine. I backed up, shooting him a look. He nodded and used his flaming hand to urge me away. Right as he did, I heard a scream.

   Frantic, I stepped onto the board, clamped my boots on, and lifted it up. Wind tore at my cloak as the woman launched at Inferno, but I was already gone. A familiar shape soared toward the ground, crashing into a tree and landing on a heap on the ground.

   It was Valkyrie. Blood was leaking from a large slash on her side. I could see her ankle was twisted at a bad angle, and she weakly got to her feet. She flew upwards toward me, her chest heaving. "We've got a problem."

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