Sector Eight

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- - - - Sector Eight - - - -
- - - - Part One - - - -
Slow-Pokes Don't Get Food

The doctor was wrapping the wound, opening his mouth to speak when the guard's radio crackled to life. "Mayor Howe is letting them in--" A split second later, there was a puff of smoke in the medical tent as Logan appeared. The guard jumped, swearing, and the doctor's head swiveled around in awe.

Logan saw me and relaxed. "Ah, okay you're good. I didn't want to be the one to tell Fe - Inferno that they killed you."

I scoffed. "Please. It's not like he would hurt you." Then I reconsidered. "Well, maybe. Depends. They let you guys in?" He nodded, plopping himself on the cot beside me. "Yeah. He told him the juice and she let us right in. Offered us to stay the night if he'd show her and a group to the towns to keep them protected while they check it out."

"Oh. Did he take the deal?"

He gave me a look, and I sighed. "Of course he did. I'm fine, I swear." It's just a flesh wound -- I'm not crippled...

"She's right," the doctor piped in. He finally shook himself from his stupor and spoke firmly. "The worst of her injuries is this burn. Other than a few bruises and cuts here and there, and a sprained ankle, she's perfectly fine. Healthy, too." He dug around in a box under the cot. Logan sighed.

"Yeah, try telling that to him." Logan leaned on the cot and laid down, closing his eyes with a sigh. "Man, that's nice. I can't complain, though. Free food!"

I lightly whacked his arm. "Not free, Log - ah - Jumper. Inferno's paying Mayor Howe back for it."

"Whatever," the fifteen-year-old grumbled as he threw an arm over his eyes. The doctor watched, amused. "So this is Jumper, from the video. The teleporter."

"How'd you guess?" Logan griped, and I whacked his arm again.

"Be nice. This man can handle needles and knives, so I'd watch it if I were you."

Logan made a disinterested sound in his throat. The doctor smiled. "Inferno is the leader of your group?" We both nodded, and I shrugged as well. "He won't admit it, but he is." The doc only nodded before getting to his feet.

"Well, Argentum, you're all wrapped up. Here's the brace for your ankle, just to keep it from getting any worse." He set a black brace on the cot. "It was a pleasure to meet you, but duty calls." His eyes were on two new people who entered the medical tent, stopping short to stare at us. One had something bleeding from his arm, but he didn't seem to care in favor of staring instead.

The doctor offered his hand, much to my surprise, after I clicked on the brace and got to my feet.. No one else had even wanted to get close, yet here he was, offering his bare hand to a known Mortem. Still, I found myself taking it with a smile.

"It was nice to meet you too, er--"

"Dr. Keyan Bouvet," he supplied. He was smiling happily. "Good luck with your mission, Argentum. And good luck handling little Jumper here." He glanced down at the teen, who only grunted. Then he swept away, heading for the two new people. I looked back down at Logan, whacking his arm for another time.

"You're supposed to be nice, Logan," I whispered quietly as I pulled him to his feet. He groaned, but got up. "You're lucky it was me here instead of Felix."

"Sorry," he grumbled. "It's hard being polite. Especially when everyone else in here is eyeing me like I'm a cockroach."

"Trust me, I know." I pulled the hood of the Seamstress's cloak tighter over my face subconsciously. "I know that very well." The guard was watching us warily, fingers hooked on his belt. I didn't miss how his hand was a few inches from what looked like a taser. "Mayor Howe has told us you're to be given accommodations. I'll show you to them, but all we have is a tent and some sleeping bags, I'm afraid."

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