Thirty-Five; If I Get To Meet You

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September 18th, 2010
8:41 am
Sunrise Resort
Las Vegas, Nevada

Eliza woke up in a sweat, her heart beating. Reid was still sleeping beside her and the sun was creeping in through the curtains. She didn't bother checking the time, getting out of bed instead. She opened the curtains allowing the morning sun to enter the room. She followed the sun on the floor, making her way towards the small coffee station in their room. She was about to wake Reid when her cell phone rang.

"Agent Doyle," she answered.

"You sound so official! Kind of like those police television shows!" Eliza sighed upon hearing her mother's crisp Georgian accent.

"Morning Mother," Eliza said through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk like that, it's improper. And why do you sound as though you're still asleep? It's nearly noon"

"I'm not in D.C. right now. The teams on a case in Nevada."

"What an awful state," her mother murmured, appalled.

"It's not that bad," Eliza replied casting her gaze to Reid. He was still asleep, hair covering his eyes. His lips moved slightly as he dreamed. Eliza smiled widely though her lips were pressed closed. She really did love him.

"Elizabeth!" her mother shouted. "God! Could you pay attention to anything but yourself for one second!"

"I'm sorry," whispered the brunette.

"Are you bringing anyone to Declans' wedding?" her mother asked for what Eliza assumed was the second or third time.

"Yes-Yes! I am," Eliza stammered. "I am. I'm bringing someone."

"Not a woman I hope. I know how messed up Americans are," her mother muttered.


"I. Hope. You're. Not. Bringing. A. Woman." her mother repeated.

"Why would it matter if I brought a woman to the wedding?" Eliza asked rather angry.

"You'd ruin the family photos," her mother said nonchalantly. "Elizabeth, the press wouldn't be able to use the photos from the wedding. All of society would think our daughter was a-" Anya paused then spoke quietly, "lesbian."

"I don't want to be in family photos being issued to the press anyway, I'm still confused as to why you'd care-"

"It would be an embarrassment to the family Elizabeth! If you're going to bring a WOMAN to this wedding, you might as well not come," her mother hissed.

"There are SO many things wrong with what you just said! How the fuck are you so ignorant?"

"I'm not ignorant Elizabeth, don't act all high and mighty!" her mother shouted. "I've got to go. I'm getting afternoon tea with the ladies. Goodbye Elizabeth."

"Goodbye," Eliza muttered in return after the phone was hung up. She sat down trying to wrap her head around her mother's words but couldn't. She sighed getting up to wake Reid. "Morning," she said rather loudly, causing Reid to wake. She had perched herself on the nightstand and was looking down at him.

"What time is it," Reid asked groggily.

"Ten to nine," she replied moving a piece of hair out of his face. Reid sat up, leaning on the headboard. He put a hand on her knee. "I know it's early, but could I ask a massive favor of you? I'm hoping I can take advantage of you by asking before coffee."

"Suspicious, but okay," Reid said looking at her, an eyebrow raised. He had a playful smile on his face, and Eliza almost felt bad coercing him into this.

"We have ten days off in about three weeks, and I was wondering if you would maybe go to London with me to attend my brother Declan's wedding? I sort of already promised my mother you'd be there," Eliza asked. Reid's eyes nearly popped out of his head.


"Please?" Eliza asked again, sticking her lip out. "Declan and I were really close growing up, still are! I haven't seen him in ages because he lives in Boston. His fiance, Susie, she's a molecular biologist so you two will have plenty to talk about! And they have a daughter, Evie, she's adorable!  Kenzie will be there, and I've asked not to be in the wedding party so I'll be able to protect you from my insane family!"


"Please, please, please!" She interrupted, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Don't you want to meet the batshit people who created me?"

Reid looked her in the eyes, an amused look on his face. "If you hadn't interrupted me to beg like a child, I would have told you that I'd go with you. I'd would love to go with you to your brother's wedding." Eliza smiled, her brown eyes full of joy. She launched off the night table and into Reid's lap, hugging him. Her legs straddled him as she squeezed her arms around him. Reid laughed, one hand hugging her back, the other stroking her hair. They began kissing, clothes leaving their bodies at a rapid rate.

About an hour later, Eliza rest her head on Reid's chest, her breath uneven from orgasm. Reid kissed her head, then hopped out of bed to shower. He'd forgotten to while she was in the shower. While he was in the shower, Eliza got dressed. She then sat herself in an armchair, the files of Mara Bennett and Lauren Renyolds in her lap. She made mental notes as she read, thinking of things she should discuss with Declan. Whistling alerted her to the fact that the water had stopped in the shower. Eliza shot across the room, making her way to her bag to stuff the files in the outer pocket. She'd just made it back to the chair when Reid appeared from the bathroom. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist, his hair and chest still wet from the water. Eliza bit her lip slightly, staring at him.

"Hey, I have plans today, will you be alright on your own for a while?" Reid asked. Eliza furrowed her brow, confused.

"Um, yeah. I guess," she replied, looking down at her fingers. They were tapping a familiar index, ring, middle, pinky pattern. "Everything okay?"

"Yep." He grabbed clothes, then returned to the bathroom. He emerged moments later and began packing things into a bag. He stuffed keys into his pocket. Reid walked over to Eliza and kissed her on the cheek, then on the lips. "I'll see you later," he promised. He was almost out the door when Eliza spoke.

"Don't forget the keys, they're on the console next to the TV," she said a soft smile on her face. Reid turned, patting his pockets as he did.

"Guess I'm just a little flustered," he chuckled. He moved to grab the keys when he noticed Eliza's fingers. He took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes closed. He opened them, to see Eliza starring out of the window at the crowds below their hotel. Her fingers continued to tap. In two confident strides, Reid approached Eliza and grabbed her hand. She turned, confused. "I-uh-I want you to come with me."

Eliza smiled, "Of course!" She interlaced her fingers with his, getting out of the chair. "Where are we going?"

Reid gulped. "To visit my mom."

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