Ten; Communication

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May 12th, 2010
11:23 am
The bullpen of the Atlantic Beach Police Department
Atlantic Beach, Maryland

Detective Robert Mathias lead JJ, Morgan, Blake, Reid, and Hotch through the glass doors into the bullpen. As they walked in, he pointed towards Katie Joyce's parents. "They haven't left. The mayor personally set them up with a penthouse suite at the Harrison Grand, but they won't go," he informed the agents. His face was long as he told them, his mouth in a frown.

"They can't," JJ responded, "you're their only source of information. To be even a minute away would add to their torture." She walked away before the rest of the conversation could ensue. Carefully, she approached Katie Joyce's parents, not wanting to disturb them.

"You're from the FBI?" Katie's mom, Patty, asked as she approached. She'd heard JJ's voice when they entered the bullpen.

"Yes, ma'am." JJ smiled at the woman, shaking her hand. "Jennifer Jareau."

"JJ?" The mother smiled as she spoke as if she was remembering a fond memory. "Kate was almost Jennifer. Jennifer Joyce." She smiled wider. "We would have called her JJ." Tears were forming in her eyes.

"Would you two like to head to the hotel?" JJ offered. "I'll come with you, we'll have constant contact with my team."

"Will those boys still be here?" Katie's dad, Jeff, spat at her.

"Yes sir," JJ replied, keeping her calm demeanor plastered on her face.

"Then so will I." He turned his back to JJ and Patty.

"Okay, well, let's find a place where we can talk. Come on." She took the mother's arm, leading her towards an enclosed room. As they walked, JJ noticed her team looking towards a hallway and talking in hushed voices. She looked down the hall and say the unsubs Sydney Pearson, and Jimmy Barrett.

"Hey! You!" Jeff screamed. "What'd you do with Kate!" His face was red as he spat out the words.

"Calm down man!" Pearson sounded offended like he was protecting himself.

"I WILL kill you, you understand?" Jeff was shouting louder now. "Do you understand me?"

"Keep him away from me!" Pearson started. He was calm but loud as he shouted. Jeff began running towards Pearson. He was caught by two officers and prevented from hitting the other man.  JJ let go of Patty's arm, crossing back to Jeff and desperately trying to calm him.

May 12th, 2010
12:42 pm
Office of Captain Brian Lane at the Atlantic Beach Police Station
Atlantic Beach, Maryland

Patty smiled slightly as she flipped another page in the scrapbook. They were looking at pictures of Kate and her family. The last few pages had been of her and a younger boy swimming. They were wearing matching swim caps and similar dark blue colored bathing suits in some photos, others their hair was free and their bathing suits were more lively colors.

"Look at her!" JJ smiled at the photos, hoping she would get all these moments with Henry. "Has she always been a fish?" She turned to Patty. Patty was beginning to tear up but was still smiling at the memories.

"We started her out in swim lessons our second summer down there. When was that Jeff, 95'?" She asked her husband. Jeff didn't look over, or answer the question.

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