Nine; Jennifer

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May 12th, 2010
10:14 am
David Rossi's Office
Quantico, Virginia

Morgan hung in the doorway of Rossi's office, watching the news over Rossi's shoulder. Down below them, Reid and Blake were competing to complete crossword puzzles before they headed home. The mood in Rossi's office was significantly more depressing than that of the bullpen.

"Nineteen-year-old Kate Joyce, an honors student, was vacationing at the beach with friends when she disappeared nearly three days ago," the anchor reported.

"They've had suspects in custody the whole time, but nothing," Morgan sighed, finally entering the office.

"Can't even charge them with anything until they find her body," Rossi replied.

"What are the chanced of that." Rossi turned around to face Morgan a shrugged. "They're still in Hotch's office, huh?"

"Can't be good." Rossi turned back to the TV. Morgan left the office and headed into the bullpen as Garcia appeared in the doorway. Everyone was swarming SSA Alex Blake's desk. Blake had been working with the Behavioral Analysis Unit for only four days, but she'd made herself a part of the group in a short time. She was sarcastic to Morgan when he needed to be put in his place, an intellectual partner for Reid, a friend to Rossi who was seemingly stricter lately, a listener when JJ needed to complain about Will or Henry, kind to Garcia when she was discouraged by the gruesome photos on her computer screens, and a source of laughter when Hotch was being too strict with his team. She was seemingly the perfect member of the team.

Currently, Reid was perched atop her desk, Blake in her chair, both staring at Hotch's office. They'd just finished they 8th crossword puzzle of the day and were getting antsy just sitting around. Garcia reached Blake's desk around the same time Morgan did and began giving the agents files they'd asked her to research.

"JJ's still in there?" She asked handing Blake a file.

"And Strauss," Blake told them taking her file. As she did Reid began searching for the Tums Blake has been known to keep on her desk. "Again with the dairy?"

"I can't help it," Reid reasoned, " I love it." He popped a few Tums in his mouth and turned back to the office.

"What's it been? Like twenty minutes?" Garcia asked, worried.

"Well," Morgan said, "ten more minutes and we're in the air."

"I don't think it's about the case," Blake suggested.

"Do you know something?" inquired Garcia.

"Do I know something?" Blake repeated, confused.

"She just repeated something," Garcia accused, "you always say that's a sign." She pointed at Blake in an accusatory fashion.

"Do you know why JJ's in there?" Morgan shifted his gaze to Blake.

"I have no idea!" Blake cried defensively.

"What's going on?" Garcia was begging for an answer, though no one had one.

"Maybe she asked for a raise," Reid said jokingly. No one laughed.

"Have his blinds ever been closed?" Garcia asked Morgan. Morgan shook his head and walked back to his desk.

May 12th, 2010
10:16 am
The Office of Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit
Quantico, Virginia

"I have given it thought." JJ argued, " I'm not interested."

"Clearly," Erin Strauss stated, rolling her eyes. "You turned down the job twice without consulting your unit chief!"

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