Thirty-Six; She

909 15 3

September 18th, 2010
12:42 pm
Bennington Sanitarium
Las Vegas, Nevada

Reid was silent as he drove, refusing music and conversation. He refused to look at anything but the road, and Eliza worried his tight grip might break the wheel. They drove for about half an hour until they reached their destination. Even so, Reid circled the block a couple of times before pulling into the parking lot. Eliza didn't say anything, just put her hand on his shoulder. He shook her off, concentrating on finding a parking space. Reid pulled into a space, turning off the car. He didn't move to get out, however, instead keeping his hands on the wheel whilst staring at the brick wall in front of him. Eliza watched him, his face angry.

"You should visit your mum," she said finally.

"I know Eliza!" Reid snapped.

"I don't have to go in, you know." Reid looked at her with his sad eyes. "I can stay in the car whilst you visit her."

"No, no. I want you to meet her. I just-I don't want you to think of me differently," he muttered.

"Why would I think differently of you?" Eliza asked, grabbing the hand he'd let drift to the center console.

"Look where we are! We're at a fucking sanitarium!"

"And?" Eliza was still confused as Reid's hand gripped her's tighter.

"My mother's a schizophrenic. I-I know she loves me, I know she cares but she gets episodes and sometimes I think it's easier if I distance myself from her. I think maybe it will hurt less when-"

"Spence she loves you," Eliza cut him off. "That's all that should matter. If you distance yourself, you'll only regret it more when she passes on. However long you have left with her, you should let her know you love her as much as she loves you." Reid leaned over the console, kissing Eliza on the cheek.

"How is it you know so much more than me?" he asked, somewhat jokingly.

Eliza thought for a minute before answering, "childhood trauma." They both chuckled, Eliza, knowing Reid felt better. "Should we go in?"

"Yes." Reid took a deep breath then got out of the car, Eliza following suit. He met her towards the passenger's side of the car, grabbing her hand as he did. The close they got to the entrance, the tighter Reid's grip on Eliza's hand became. The facility was simple, with pale yellow walls, carpeted flooring. There were doctors, nurses, volunteers, and patients all floating around, only a few with predetermined destinations. Reid was cutting off circulation to Eliza's hand when they approached the front desk.

"Hey! Dr. Reid! How have you been?" asked the receptionist. She handed over a sign-in sheet.

"Pretty well," Reid managed to answer before handing the sign-in sheet to his girlfriend. Eliza wrote her name down, feeling Reid staring at her. She pulled out an ID for the receptionist and watched as Reid became more anxious.

"Alright! You're both all set! Diana is sitting in the library, and I believe Dr. Norman is going to be visiting her soon. She'll be happy to see you," the receptionist smiled. Reid nodded, not saying a word. Eliza grabbed his hand with her right hand and his upper arm with her left.

"You're okay," she whispered. She hoped he heard her, even with the ten-inch height difference. They reached the library where Reid pointed to his mother. Eliza smiled. She didn't know what to expect Reid's mother to look like, but this made sense. Short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a similar build to her son. There was a large sweater pulled around her shoulders as she read by herself. Reid began walking towards her, Eliza towing behind him.

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