Thirty-One; Wannabe

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September 4th, 2010
8:35 pm
Blue Ostrich Bar
Washington D.C.

"We are gathered here today to join together Alex Blake and Harvard University in holy matrimony," Rossi said raising his glass. Around him, the entire party followed suit. They were laughing now because it still didn't seem real. The previous day had been the last for Alex Blake at the BAU and was uneventful. The previous week, Garcia had suggested a going away party for Blake at a karaoke bar. It was less of a suggestion, and more of a demand considering she'd been planning the party since Blake announced she was leaving. "Have fun, or I'm not paying!" Rossi finished, getting off the stage and making his way to Hotch.

Now, everyone stood in the Blue Ostrich Karaoke Bar, to give Blake a final send-off. Reid and Eliza sat at the bar, watching the people around them. Garcia was talking to the man running karaoke, which would certainly end in disaster. JJ was DESTROYING Will, Blake, and Blake's husband, James, at darts, her hands in the air as she hit yet another bullseye. Hotch, Rossi, Anderson, and Strauss sat around a table talking, though it wasn't serious judging by Strauss's smile. Morgan, as always, was on the dance floor surrounded by women.

"I can't believe Blake actually let Strauss come to her going away party. Garcia must have mended that bridge," Eliza said, sticking her straw into her mouth.

"I heard they made amends when Blake announced she was leaving. Strauss must have felt guilty," Reid shrugged. He was flipping through the karaoke book rather judgementally. "I can't believe some people actually enjoy karaoke. I'd be embarrassed to be up there singing."

"Being embarrassed is the whole point. It's uncomfortable at first, but once you get into it, you don't care," Eliza replied. "I can't believe some people would rather sit at a bar drinking beer than singing karaoke."

"Hey, I don't see you up there singing," Reid retorted, looking up at her.

"You don't?" She raised an eyebrow, the put her drink down on the bar as if she was challenging him.

"Nope." She nodded slightly, then hopped out of her chair, booking it across the room towards Garcia and the karaoke man. "Oh no," Reid muttered. It took less than a minute for Eliza to be standing on the stage, microphone in hand.

"This one is dedicated to Spencer Walter Reid, who has just informed me that he thinks it's embarrassing to sing karaoke in a crowded bar." Eliza pointed to Reid as she spoke. "Yep! He's the nerdy one sitting alone at the bar! He has an I.Q. of 187, and I'm about to prove his ass wrong! Mistro!" Reid shook his head in disbelief, JJ, Will, Blake, and James all coming to his side to watch Eliza perform. Even Morgan stopped dancing, standing with Hotch, Anderson, Rossi, and Strauss. Garcia stood at the side of the stage, cheering Eliza on. Wannabe by the Spice Girls played over the speakers, as Eliza danced and sang on stage. There was a wide smile on her face for the entire song, and a dramatic bow the wrap up the performance. Getting off the stage, she made her way over the observing group and bowed again. "You're welcome."

"That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen," Morgan complimented.

"Of fucking course it was. I don't mess around when it comes to The Spice Girls," Eliza retorted, though it was obvious from her performance that she didn't. "Now shut up, Garcia's performing!"

As it turned out, after Eliza's speech denouncing Reid's opinion on karaoke, the entire unit was willing to embarrass themselves to prove him wrong. After all, it wasn't every day you got to disprove a genius's theory. Garcia performed ...Baby One More Time by Brittany Spears, followed by Morgan's choreographed dance number to Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC. All jaws hit the floor when Strauss took to the stage to perform Rehab by Amy Winehouse, which was followed up by Hotch singing Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. Considering no one thought either supervisor would EVER sing karaoke, these were tough acts to follow. JJ sang TLC's No Scrubs, and Blake sand Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance With Somebody. Rossi shouted Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline, his performance prompting Eliza to ask which wife Caroline was.

At the end of the night, tipsy and high off of embarrassment, the entire BAU was on stage, serenading Rossi, Strauss, Will, and James with their off-key rendition of Billy Joel's Piano Man. The bar closed shortly after, sending the group to the street, and then home. Every evaporated, leaving Eliza, Reid, and Blake outside the bar, Blake's husband pulling the car around.

Blake hugged the two, tears beginning to fall. After a short while, they pulled away.

"I'll miss you both," Blake smiled, wiping a tear from Eliza's face with her thumb.

"Flights to Boston are on average only an hour and twenty minutes, so I'm sure we'll see you," Reid assured her.

"I'm sure I'll see you. I haven't decided if I'll bring the genius along yet," Eliza clarified. Blake laughed, and Reid elbowed Eliza softly. "Are you driving me home or what?" she asked Reid. Reid rolled his eyes and walked away presumably to start the car.

"It's not my place to say anything, but you should snatch him up before someone else does," Blake told Eliza.

"You didn't hear this from me, but I plan on it." Eliza smiled softly, her cheeks warming as she thought of Reid. James honked the horn, and Blake turned to face him.

"Time to go, I guess." Eliza hugged the woman one last time. She watched Blake get into the car, then made her way towards Reid's. She got into the passenger's seat, turning to face him.

"What?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows together as she surveyed his face. Eliza didn't respond, rather leaned over the center console and kissed him.

"Nothing," she said when they broke apart. Reid began driving, the sound of Betoveen filling his car. Eliza looked at the two CDs he kept in his car. "Do you listen to anything but Betoveen?"

"It's the only thing that hasn't been ruined by either serial killers or mainstream media," he shrugged, eyes on the road.

"I'm sure that's not true. I can't speak to the serial killer thing, but haven't you ever seen A Clockwork Orange?"

"No. I don't watch movies."

"Right," Eliza sighed. "Well, you should invest in better music."

"Like what?" Reid countered.

"Fleetwood Mac is always a good choice, though I may be biased due to my love of Stevie Nicks." Eliza paused, thinking. "I'm partial to 80's music though." It was silent the rest of the car ride until Reid pulled into the parking lot of his building. The two exited the car, making their way up to Reid's apartment. Reid opened the door for Eliza, who shed her purse and shoes onto the floor as she stumbled towards the bedroom. Reid followed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and trailing her to the bedroom. Eliza kissed him, her hands moving to unbutton his shirt.

"So there is an after-party?" Reid asked, shedding the white t-shirt under his button-down.

"Zig a zig ah," she whispered, shutting the bedroom door.

I'd like to thank Gubesglasses on Tiktok for being the sole inspiration for the majority of this chapter. I will not apologize for Reid not singing karaoke, I don't believe he would ever perform solo because it would shatter the space-time continuum. Also, I thought he would perform the Periodic Table Song which hadn't been released in 2010.

Early Update because I got bored!

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