A week in L.A

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Britt's pov
I was very happy with the way Ethan had handled the situation. Although Grayson was very abusive and had a lot of problems to resolve I couldn't help but feel bad for him. After all from what I had overheard from the conversation Grayson had felt that he was hiding behind Ethan's light. Of course it's not Ethan's fault because he had just heard about this also. But none of this should matter anyway. I'm at a 5 star hotel in L.A with my amazing boyfriend!

Day: 1
Time: 8:00
*Alarm goes off*

With my amazing luck Ethan is a very deep sleeper. And for one it's 8 in the morning. And two it's not even my phone so why am I even up?

"Babe your alarm has been going off for the past 5 minutes." I said as I tried to shake Ethan awake.

"Ughh let me sleep a little longer." He said with a deep husk morning voice.

"What do you mean Ethan? It was your phone that went off." I said very grumpy.

I tried sleeping a little longer but there was no use. I was fully up. The sun was shining through the curtains into our bright white room. I decided to get up and make breakfast for the both of us to start the day. I am very happy I didn't cancel grocery shopping yesterday. I would have hated waking up to nothing in the fridge. I am not a a morning person by any means but when I do get up I seem to go all out for breakfast. Since it is our first day of this lovely trip I decided to make Ethan's favorite pancakes. I whipped up some of my famous pancakes and served them with eggs and bacon with strawberries on the side. Once I dished it up all nice I walked back in the room to give it to Ethan. As I suspected he was still in a deep sleep.

"Ok Ethan it's time to get up. I let you sleep in for another hour. It's 9 already. I also made you some breakfast in bed. If you don't get up soon you're going to waste our whole first day." I said. Nothing. Still nothing.

"Like I said I made you breakfast. It also happens to be your favorite pancakes... and if you don't get up I will have to eat them." I say hoping he will get up this time.

"Don't you dare! I'm up now. " Ethan said.

"I will be right back. I'm going to get our coffee from the kitchen." I said as I tried to leave.

Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me closer onto his lap.

"Thank you baby." He said all sweet.

"For what?"

"For everything. I don't get to do this kind of stuff often." He said with a smirk.

"I didn't do anything. I just paid for half of the hotel cost." I replied blushing because of how sweet he was to me.

"Still thank you." He said as he kissed me very firmly.

I couldn't help but smile as we parted lips. This was perfect. Everything was perfect. Although it would have actually been nice spending this time at his beach house but that wouldn't have worked out.

"So Mr. Sleepy head what's on the list for today?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

"Well Britt anything you want. We will make it happen." He replied.

"In that case...hurry up with your breakfast and get your swim trunks on we are going to the beach."

10 am
Ethan's pov

This morning was all I could have ever asked for. Of course I wasn't expecting Britt to make me a great breakfast in bed but she did and all I can say is that she is the most amazing person I've ever met. I've dated before her but she is unlike everyone I've ever dated. She's different. She's real. In order to show her how much she really means to me and to pay her back for breakfast I planned a great day on the beach for her.

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