What did grayson do?!

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I woke up right beside Ethan. I'd forgot I fell asleep cuddled up next to him. I also forgot I even went over to his house, so when I woke up I almost freaked out. I woke up to Ethan nudging me awake because we had school (So I thought), also so I could escape and get ready for the day.

"Whattt?" I ask all groggy.

"It's time to wake up we got school today plus we gota get you home so you can get ready too." Ethan said.

My eyes went wide "Oh yeah I stayed over, i kinda got freaked out there."

"Yeah you did stay over and "we" need to get up for school." Ethan replied.

"What are you talking about we're on winter break." I said a little confused.

"Oh yeah." He said with a stupid smile. "My alarm automatically goes off at 6:30 am every morning for school.

"Why's it still set?" I ask.

He thought to himself a little "SHIT I have to go to work!" He almost yelled.

"Hurry up then or you'll be late." I said as I threw him a t-shirt and some pants lying on the ground of his messy room.

"Thanks." He said as he stripped off his clothes and redressed. I will admit it was a little weird but at the same time, not weird at all. I don't know what I'm saying right now.

We both headed downstairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal (which was pretty easy so he wouldn't be late.)

"Here." He said as he handed me a bowl. "What kind of cereal do you want? we have coco puffs, fruit loops, raisin bran, cheerios..." he said.

"Um, I'll have fruit loops please." I said. He handed me the box and I poured it into the bowl along with some milk.

We both finished eating and I headed over to the sink where he was putting his bowl after washing it off. I washed my bowl in the sink and put it in the dishwasher. Ethan walked over to the front door where a rack of shoes were and picked a pair and put them on. Then he took a hoodie from a hanger in the closet and put it on.

"I gotta go but I'll see you after work. Your welcome to stay until I get back but that might be a while." Ethan said as he kissed me on the head.

"Thanks but I think I'll head back home, my mom's gonna wonder where I am. I just need to get my purse I felt it up in your room." I replied.

"So you don't need a ride do you?" He asked.

"Ethan I live right down the street. A couple blocks from here. I'll be fine. You need to go I don't want to be the reason you're late for work." I said.

"Okay okay." He said.

"I'll call you when your done with work okay?"

"Okay" He said.

He walked out the door to his car and drove off. Before I planned on leaving Ethans house I had to go back up stairs to get my purse on his bed. I walked upstairs and turned a corner and bumped into Grayson. I never see him around so I was surprised to see him.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know anyone was home. I left my purse in Ethans room." I said.

"And why where you in Ethans room?" Grayson responded.

"I stayed in Ethans room last night." I said as I walked passed him to Ethans room. I went in and knelt on the bed and reached across to grab my purse. I could tell Ethan was staring at my ass in the doorway so I hurried up. I quickly grabbed my purse and headed out the door to his room, and started downstairs.

"Why are you leaving?" Grayson asked.

"Because Ethans not here so why would I stay?" I asked, as I got downstairs and waited for a reply from Grayson.

"Cause now you got me." He said as he pushed me into the wall and smashed his lips into mine. I tried to get away. I squirmed as much as I could, but he had a good grip of me. I finally pulled away from the kiss and managed to get out "What the hell are you doing you have a girlfriend and I'm Ethans best friend."

"Well she's not my girlfriend anymore and Ethan doesn't have to find out about this." Grayson said.

"First of all Ethans right you are a cheater and you move on way to quickly you don't  just stay with one girl, second there is no "this" and third "this" isn't even a relationship I say really pissed off and push past him and walk out the front door.

I have no clue what I'm going to tell Ethan after he gets off work.

A New Startजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें