e and g la house

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Ethan's pov
I was so excited that I get to spend most of spring break with Britt, but at the same time completely terrified. Whenever I'm around Britt I get really nervous I'll embarrass myself in front of her. At this point I was drowning in my own thoughts until I got inturupted by Grayson.

"Yo we're at the airport. Hurry up, and don't make us miss our flight!"

"The fuck. Why are you so loud? You made me jump." Ethan said.

Britt was in the back trying to hide the fact that she was about to burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked a little annoyed.

Britt's pov
"Oh nothing, your just really cute when your scared." I said.

Ethan rolled his eyes playfully in reply and started getting out of the car to get our packages and bags to bring into the airport.

"Here you go." He said handing me my bags.

"Thanks babe." I said

We hurried I to the airport after Grayson realizing how lucky we were to get past security sort of quickly, before we almost missed our flight. I was relieved we didnt miss the plane. We got our bags and everything situated and I found my seat and sat down. Then I felt a rush of adrenaline because of how nervous I was. I spent all my time worrying about everything I made myself sick. Ethan began to notice something was wrong.

Ethans pov

I got britt's and my bags put up and sat down right next to Britt and I noticed something was up. Britt began breathing heavier than before.

"Hey... you okay Britt?"

I didn't get a reply that quickly, but then I knew something was wrong. She stood there for a second then looked over at me and said "I think I'm going to be sick." Right after she said that she got up and ran to the bathroom of the plane. I was very concerned. Britt's mom had told me she was terrified of heights, but she also said that she had been on a plane before and it was fine.

Britt was in the restroom for a while so I decided to go over and talk to her.

I knocked on the door. "- Hey Britt it's Ethan are you okay?" I asked.

I was relieved when I got a reply.

"I'll be okay, I'm just a little sick." She replied.

"Okay well do you need me to come in and help you?" I asked.

"You can come in, but I don't think you can help me here." She said as she unlocked the door.

I walked in and saw Britt sitting right next to the toilet.

"Hey I'm here. Here's water. You might be dehidrated." I said handing her some water.

"Thanks. I think I'm good now." She said, as I helped her up back to our seats before the plane took off.

Britt was totally fine on the whole, entire plane flight, so it might have just been a bug.

Once we landed me, Britt, and Grayson all got our stuff and headed into a cab to our other house here in la (That only me and gray owned.) We got to the house and it felt great, because I haven't been at this house for a very long time, since we've lived in Jersey.

I took all the bags into the house and showed Britt to my room where she would be staying with me, because me and gray did not own a big house. Then gray got into the house and looked around.

"Wow it's been a while" he said. "A lot of great memories here." He finished.

"Yeah, but that was a long time ago a lots changed since then, including you." I replied.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"You should know exactly what I mean." I said.

"Here we'll talk in your room I'll give Britt her bags to settle in."

"Fine I'll be here I guess..." gray said.

"Here's your bags and this is my room is it okay if you stay in here too? We don't have a lot of rooms here." I said to Britt.

"No it's fine. Hey I still don't feel that great so is it okay if I get my stuff settled and get some rest?" She asked.

"Yeah that's fine I hope you get better." I said as I have her a kiss on the head. "I'm going to be in grayson's room with gray if you need me." I told her.

"Okay sounds good." Britt replied.

I walked down the hall to Graysons room to finish our little talk.

"Okay where were we...." I asked Grayson.

"You said I've changed a lot since last time we were here, when we were you know kids like 14-15." Gray said.

"Right... well you have changed a lot since then......."

To be continued.

A New StartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora