Moving day

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Britt's pov

"Britt can you grab the last two bags On the front porch?" My mom asked.

"Yeah mom, I got it." I replied

Today was August 15th Moving day. My mom got a call back from her new work in New Jersey. Right now I live in L.A, but only for a few more minutes. I'm really gonna miss it here. Everything I ever knew was right here, and now I have to leave it all. All of it and start all over.

Five minutes later

"Come on Britt we have to go." My mom yelled from the front porch.

"Okay, one sec." I replied as I walked out the front door and stood in front of my house before getting into the car.

"I'm gonna miss it here mom." I told her.

"I know, but if you want clothes, food and a roof over your head we have to move to New Jersey where I found a better paying job." My mom replied.

I just faked a smile at her, but inside I was getting torn apart. Leaving la was terrible. I had to leave everything. Everything! Moving to Jersey will be a whole new life. A life I've never knew about. I couldn't tell my mom how I felt because I didn't want her to feel bad about moving, so I kept it all to myself. My dad hasn't been in the picture since I was 3, but I don't remember that. This was the only life I knew of, but now I have to leave it all behind and move on.

At the airport

"You'll be okay Britt. You always have. Just stay strong and we will get through this together, like we always do." My reassured me.

"Yeah hopefully." I replied.

"Britt look at me. This is all going to be hard for me too, I've never been there before but we need money and a home I can afford." Mom said.

"Okay mom, I get it." I said as I put in my ear buds for the rest of the plane ride. however long that was.

After the plane ride ended, and we arrived in new Jersey, we got our luggage and got in the car and headed to our new house.

Once we got to the new house we loaded all the boxes in the first room, then arranged them from there. I was in charge of getting all the boxes with my name and brought it to my new room. My room was an upgrade from the one before. It was night when I got all the boxes situated in my room. I also had to get all the boxes with all the bathroom stuff to the bathroom, which was right next to my room. Because it was so late my mom helped me put together my bed, then I helped her put hers together in her room, so that we both had a place to sleep.

"Good night mom." I said to my mom after kissing her on the head. "Good night Britt. Sleep well." She replied.

"I will." I said with a smile on my face that was obviosly fake, because I already hated it here.

2 days later

We finally got everything done and placed. My room was done too, so I just layed on my bed texting my friend, but like always no reply till hours later. I was anxious about starting school tomorrow. I'm a very quiet person and it's really hard for me to make friends (also picking the right kind.)

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