bye best friend

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Britt's pov

I haven't talked to Ethan yet and I'm not really planning on it. I have no clue what to tell him. I was stressing myself out too much, so I decided to go on Instagram and check my feed. Right then straight across the top of my phone I got a notification from Snapchat that said Ethan is typing. It felt like my heart skipped a beat. For some reason I felt guilty about what happened with me and Grayson. I really don't want Ethan to find out about it, because he might not believe me and what I have to say about what happened. I didn't even do anything, but I couldn't help feeling guilty.

Ethan: hey, you didn't text me once I got off of work.

Me: Oh really? Oops I guess I forgot.

Ethan: it's fine. Hey Grayson said he ran into you before you left. What was that about?

Me: uhh nothing I just went back up stairs to your room to get my purse that I left. Why? What did he say?

Ethan: Oh well you two have to different views of that story. Gray told me you kissed  him.

Me: what?! No, no, no, that's not at all what happened. Here I'll FaceTime you. pick up please.

Ethans pov

Britt did try to face time me, but I didn't pick up. There was a lot goin through my brain at this point. How could Britt betray me? After all I did for her. I stood with her through everything. I listened to everything she told me. How could she do this?

A week passed and I still haven't spoken to Britt. She's tried many times to get a hold of me, but I never listened. I'm showing her what she tends to do to me all the time. Ignoring her. I guess she doesn't notice but she does this to me all the time. I never get to speak. This is hard to take in, because I never knew someone that close to me could hide something like this. I thought I knew everything about Britt. She told me everything so I thought. I started to shut her out, but it was hard because she was my best friend. Something like this is hard to forgive. Friends are supposed to tell their problems to each other, how could she do this?

I began to feel a little bad for what I did, so I decided to listen to all the voicemails she left, to see if I will change my mind about her. Her first voicemail was just about her telling me to pick up the phone. I got to the last one and it went like this..."Hey Ethan look I know you think that was all my fault, but you said it yourself, you told me not to listen to what comes out of grayson's mouth, so why are you believing him now? Also don't try to visit me at home. I won't be there. My mom's sending me to my dad's. Not really sure how long yet."

I really needed to talk to Britt, for two reasons, she had a point with the thing about gray. I did tell her to not listen to a word he said. Also I need to clear things up with her if I won't see her for a while. I called her phone over 10 times. She didn't pick up the phone, not once.

I was laying on my bed trying to figure out how to find her or get a hold of her, then I realized that she'd probably be at the airport by now. I rushed over to my desk and grabbed my keys, slipped some shoes on, and grabbed a sweatshirt. I ran to the car and took off to the airport. I arrived at the airport and walked thought the front doors, now here's the hard part. I have to find Britt out of all these people.

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