1st day of school

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Britt's pov

I woke up to my alarm as always, got out of bed and threw on some clothes. I had to hurry, because I had to catch the bus.

"Good morning Britt. I made you some eggs and toast for breakfast." Mom said.

"Sorry mom I can't eat. I don't have time. I'll just take a granola bar and eat it on the bus." I said.

"Okay well have a good day, and make some friends." She said.

"I'll try." I replied as I rushed out the door grabbing my backpack and phone on the way out.

The bus ride was like any other bus ride, wild so I just plug my earbuds into my phone and put one in my ear and looked out the window. I like window seats whenever I'm on a bus or the plane. I like looking at nature. I know I lived in L.A. but I've never been to the beach. Whenever I tell people that they seem really surprised, I mean I get it now, how do you live in L.A. and never go to the beach, but it's because I didn't live near the beachside. If I had one wish it would be to go to the beach. I just imagine it to be really peaceful and calming (which is the opposite of my life.) My life is very chaotic but I don't like talking about it either.

Soon enough I got to school. And now I just need to find my classes and not get lost. That's goin to be hard, because this is a freaking huge school! When I first got into the school I just went to the office to get all settled. I'm not really sure why my mom didn't come in on my first day and at least help me get settled and situated.

"Hello miss how may I help you?" A lady from the office asked me.

"Oh I'm a new student and I'm not sure where to go." I replied

"Oh okay what's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Britt Johnson." I said.

"Okay one moment, I'm going to print your schedule right now." She said.

"Here's your schedule for the year. If you walk with me I'll take you to find your first class."

I followed her down the hall and up the stairs and to the first door on the left.

"Now this is going to be your first class everyday, and this is Mrs. Welch your English teacher." The office lady said.

"Thank you so much." I told her I was actually surprised I was the first one to class, I thought I'd be late. Thank God I'm not, I didn't want to be introduced to the whole class.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Welch your English teacher." She held out her hand.

I shook her hand. "I'm Britt Johnson." I said.

"Nice to meet you Britt. We don't have any seating charts in here, so you can pick any seat you'd like."

"Okay thanks." I say as I start walking to the back of the room and sit in the very back right next to the emergency exit door. I'm the kind of girl that hates school and tries not to be seen by anyone to avoid being asked questions.

Bell Rings

Everyone started rushing in the door and taking their seats. A tall emo girl walked right up to me.

"Um what do you think your doing in my seat?" She asked.

"Oh um sorry, I didn't know." I said as I stood up to try to find a different seat. At this point there was only one seat left next to a really good looking boy with dark brown hair and hazelish brown eyes. "You didn't have to leave the seat you were in before. You should have made her find a different seat." The boy said.

"I didn't want to make a scene on my first day, plus it's just a seat." I say back.

"True, but don't let people here control you. You have rights you know that right?" He asked.

"Yeah I know I have rights but I don't like fighting. I never get a say in anything so there's no point in trying to be heard." I say.

"You shouldn't think that way, just be yourself, I'm Ethan by the way." He said.

"I'm Britt I said" with a smile.

The class ended very soon. "I'll see you around Britt." Ethan said.

"See ya." I said back.

A couple classes later lunch

I got my food from the lunch line and found a table where I sat alone for most of lunch. Everyone in this school had their cliques and I was alone.

"Hey why are you sitting here alone?"
I turn around to see Ethan.

"I'm not good at making friends." I replied.

"Well you got me." He said as he picked up my lunch tray and with his other hand he grabbed my hand and leaded me to a table.

"Britt this is Bella. She's been my best friend since the beginning of middle school."

"Nice you meet you I'm Britt." I said.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Bella like Ethan said." She said.
I sat down at the table and talked to Ethan and Bella for the whole lunch break. They are very nice to me, the only people I've met so far at this school.

End of school day
I went my locker and got my bags and followed Ethan out the doors.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, I gotta catch the bus." I said.

"Oh well wait up I also catch the bus." Ehan said.

"Oh ok, I don't know why but I expected you'd have a car of your own to drive to school and stuff." I said

"Well I do but I had to take it in to get a oil change so I'm stuck with the bus for today." Ethan said.

"Oh well your stuck with me for now." I said.

"I guess I am." He smirked and nudged me in the shoulder.


"Hi mom I'm home." I yelled.

"How was your day?" Mom asked.

"It was pretty good. Better than I expected.

"See told you, it's not that bad after all." She said as she kissed me on the cheek.

A New StartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora