Get your girl

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Ethan's pov

I've been looking for over a 30 minutes. Looking for Britt before it's too late. I sort of lost hope and I decided to get something to drink and sit down. I decided I'd look for her that way. I went in line to get some coffee. Waiter: "Hi what can I get for you?"
"Oh can I have iced coffee with vanilla cream?" I replied.

Waiter: "Yep sure. That'd be 5.00  dollars please."

"Ok," I said as I handed him a 5 dollar bill.

I went over to the side to wait for my iced coffee.

Waiter: "iced coffee with vanilla cream for Ethan."

I went up to grab my drink. "Thanks." I said, as I turned around to try to find a seat. I wasn't watching where I was going, because I was on my phone texting my mom where I was. As the idiot I am I kept on walking and ran right into a girl and accidentally spilled my coffee all over her. "I am so sorr... Britt?"

"Ethan...what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here looking for you. And I'm really sorry about your shirt. Here" I said as I handed her a damp napkin to clean her shirt.

"Thanks." She said with no expression.

"Look Britt, I shouldn't have blamed you for what happened. I know what I told you about Grayson, but he has a girlfriend and that's why I didn't believe you."

"Wow Ethan what's new you still don't believe me. He told me he broke up with her."  She said.

"And that gives you a right to kiss my brother?" I replied.

"Are you fucking kidding me Ethan?! I told you I didn't kiss him. Plus what does it matter to you. Even if I did I don't need your approval." She yelled.

"Well I should have some say in it. He's my brother and your my best friend."

"So what? That still does give you a right to tell me who to date."

"Wait what your dating Grayson!?"

"No. what Ethan? You know what forget it." She said and walked away. I ran after her.

"Britt come back." I said as I got in front of her so she couldn't get past me.

"What the hell do you want?! Your so damn protective now. You really changed Ethan." She said.

"Then I guess I'm not the only one who changed... so have you. You used to be nice and happy. Someone who didn't care. Someone who did whatever the hell she wanted because she could."

"Uh.. Look I'm sorry. Just a lots going with my family right now." She practically cried.

"Come here." I said as I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. "Look I'm here for you and I will always be you just can't shut me out okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head still hugging me really tight.

"Hey why aren't you on your flight to L.A?" I asked.

"It got delayed for 2 hours." Britt replied. "I really don't want to go. Is it too late to call off on?" She asked still with tears streaming down her face.

"If it's really that bad and you don't want to go I can come with you to talk to your mom about it. We'll just tell her you don't feel comfortable going." I said.

She just nodded her head yes, and so we walked over to her mom. We talked to her mom and her mom understood because she knows that Britt is a very anxious person. 

"Why'd you really come Ethan?" Britt asked me.

"I told you because your my best friend and I don't what to lose you." I replied.

"But no one else would do this for me so what's the real reason?" She asked.

"Because I love you Britt. I've loved you for a long time, ever since I met you." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me a long time ago then?" She asked.

"Because I was scared and I never know what to say." I said.

"Well your in luck, because I love you too Ethan." She said. I couldn't help but smile.

"Well in that case, will you be my girlfriend Britt Johnson?" I asked.

"Oh course, I'd love to." Britt smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed her back.

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