freedom (or not)

18 3 0

Britt's pov

After school Ethan and I drove over to Bella's house to see how she was doing.

Bella's house

I knocked on the door and Bella's mom let me and E in.

"Oh hello Britt and Ethan, Bella's upstairs in her room." She said.

"Okay thanks." I said as I followed Ethan upstairs to Bella's room.

Ethan knocked on Bella's door. "Hey bell we're here." He said.

"The doors unlocked." Bella said while coughing.

"Hey Bell you doing better?" I asked.

"A little bit. Thanks for coming guys i was getting a little bit bored." Bella said.

"No problem, so what should we do?" Ethan asked.

"Netflix?" I asked.

"Yep that's what I was thinking too." Bella said.

We watched Netflix for a while then ordered pizza. After we ate I decided I had to get home soon, and Ethan was my ride so we both left.

We got into the car and I turned on the radio to pop music and blasted it. I love music, Ethan didn't mind how loud I put it. 20 minutes later we pulled up in my driveway. I always car pool with Ethan because he lives just right down the street.

"Bye Ethan." I said as he hugged me before I got out of the car.

"See ya Britt." He replied. I walked up to the front door and waved to Ethan before shutting it.

"Hey mom, I'm home." I say walking through the front door.

"Hi Britt." My mom said as I walked over to the living room where she was watching t.v.

"So now that you're officially off for winter break, I thought you could use a little vacation and visit your dad back in L.A." she said.

"No, mom he left us both and I haven't seen him for 2 years. It's going to be awkward.   I replied.

"You just said it yourself you haven't seen him for 2 years so now you guys can catch up on stuff." Mom replied.

"Plus I already agreed to it he called me this morning." She said.

"So what, now you and dad are talking? I thought you guys were over. He freaking left us!" I yelled as I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door.

Like I said my life is a little chaotic, that's why I take every chance to get out of my house. To get away from the stress. I don't know what to call my parents relationship. They never really got divorced cause my dad walked out on us. But now they're talking? They piss me off. My friends are more family to me than my own parents.

I was stressing out too much so I decided to text Ethan.

Me: Hey E

Ethan: Hey, what are you doing up this late? (It was 3:26 am)

Me: thinking

Ethan: about what?

Me: life and shit

Ethan: u okay? Usually u don't use the words life and shit in the same sentence.

Me: my mom's tryna make me go visit my dad over in L.A. I haven't seen my dad in 2 years cause he left us.

Ethan: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know. You can talk to me about it if you want.

Me: I'm just done with this shit. My dad leaves us and now he's back to talking to my mom again. I sure as hell don't want them getting back together, but I don't really have a say in that do I?

Ethan: I mean it depends they may say something about it to you, or they could just make up the decision themselves. This seems like a bigger situation to be texting about. Do you want to come over to my house?

Me: it's close to 4 am Ethan

Ethan: I know but your stressing youself out and I'm your best friend I need to be there for you, not just over text.

Me: fine, be there in a sec

Ethan: okay

I went over to my closet and found a hoodie to put on and slipped on some shoes. I walked slowly down the stairs and walked out the front door remembering to take the key so I can get back in. I began walking down the street up to Ethans house. I took out my phone and texted Ethan "I'm here." Then I waited at the front door waiting for Ethan to open it. Not too long later Ethan slowly opened the front door so he wouldn't wake anyone up.

"Hey." He whispered holding the door open for me.

"Hi." I said as I shut I door behind me quietly following Ethan to his room.

Once we got to his room I sat down on his bed and he sat besides me listening to my problems. I love Ethan so much, he is my best friend and has always there for me. I fell asleep on his bed with his arms wrapped around me. He quickly fell asleep after me.

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