a little getaway

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Britt's pov

That night I fell asleep cuddled up with Ethan. He was comforting me, but that didn't matter I was still terrified of Grayson. He was so abusive and I didnt want to be around that anymore.

The next morning

Ethan and I woke up early that morning and grabbed breakfast and talked for a while. "I know you don't feel comfortable here. And I'm not comfortable having you here with Grayson this aggressive. I was thinking do you want to spend the week in a hotel and we can tour around L.A for the week?" Ethan asked politely.

"That sounds great." I say back with a huge smile to hide my doubt about anything.

"Okay we'll head out right after we eat and get our bags." Ethan said.

Ethan's pov

We finished eating breakfast and packed our bags into the car. I got in the driver's seat with Britt on my right. I looked at her and she didn't look as bright and glowy as she used to. I could tell something was up.

"Hey beautiful, what's going on in that little head of yours?" I asked.

"Nothing, everything is fine." Britt blankly replied.

"Babe please talk to me and be honest." I plead.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I don't know, I don't know how to feel anymore. I feel numb Ethan." She said concerned.

I got worried so I drove a little longer until I found a little shoulder off the road so we could pull off. I saw there was a bench if I could find somewhere to park so we could talk. I parked, got out of the driver's seat and walked over to the passenger seat door and opened it for Britt. "Come here." I said as I grabbed britt's hand and we walked over and sat on the bench.

"I want to help you but I don't know how." I said as I grabbed britt's hand and put it up to my mouth and kissed it.

"I know I can tell. It's okay. I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't feel normal. I feel like a bad spirit has washed over me." She says as she looks deep into my eyes.

"Uh...I don't know if that makes sense.." she tried to go on.

"It's okay. The only way we can get through this is if you talk to me. It's the only way we will both be in the same page." I said reassuring her.

Britt's eyes started welling up with tears. "Ethan... I'm scared. I'm scared of Grayson. I'm scared that you could lash out and do the same thing he did.

I put my arms around Britt and hugged her tight. "Britt this is me I'm Ethan. You know me, I'm nothing like Grayson. We left so we could get away from him." I said as she dug her face in my neck.

We sit there a while staring at the stars in silence. I was still holding Britt really tight. I never want to let her go. I never want anything to happen to her. She is my priority right now.

Back on the road

Britt's pov

I don't know what was happening. The feeling was so powerful, i dont know what it was. I am so glad I had Ethan, he kept me calm. I don't know what I would do without him.

Ethan took me to a hotel and booked it for the two of us for the whole week. My god that must have costed so much. I need to pitch in a little. When I saw the total I grabbed my wallet and took out half of the total cost and handed it to Ethan. "No you don't need to do that this was my treat." He started.

"Look it's your vacation too and we are a couple we do things together. Take the money I'm at least paying my half." I demanded as I handed him the money to give to the lady behind the desk.

We got to our room and it looked so cute. There was only one bed but that didn't matter we've already slept in the same bed before.

"This is so cool." Ethan said.

"I know. I could get used to this." I said as I walked over to Ethan put my hand on his chest and kissed him.

"Thank You." I said kissing him again.

"Anything for my little angel" he said as be pulled me to the bed and we lay there cuddled up watching tv until we fell asleep.

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