𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

Start from the beginning

I took a shower and washed my hair, then I brushed my teeth, and got out with a towel wrapped around myself. I changed into a loose white shirt and some black sweatpants that somewhat stuck to my legs but comfortably. I dried my hair and then fixed my hair into a h/s and got out of my room.

I walked over to my lounge/living room and saw Killua and Alluka sitting on my leather couch chatting, until they saw me come out. Alluka fit my older clothes rather well, so I was glad, and Bubs clothes fit a bit loosely on Killua, but a good kind of loosely. "Are the clothes okay? I can try and find different ones if you both want." I suggest, just in case they didn't like them. "Oh no, the clothes are great. Either way we have no room to complain since you're doing all of this for us." He says with a chuckle. "I guess so. Anyhow, I'm assuming you guys haven't eaten yet. Is there anything you guys want in particular?" I ask them. "Anything is fine." Killua reply's, and Alluka seems a little disappointed. "Alright.. anything is fine for you but.. what would you like Alluka~? You seem to want something in particular." I ask since I could tell she wanted something other than anything. "Really? Well, I want something cute and sweet!" She happily says. "Coming right up!" I said with a grin. Maybe.. some sandwiches with cute heart strawberry's? Oooh.. maybe some hot chocolate with it and marshmallows on top! And for Killua.. maybe the same but since I have some chocorobos in my cabinet I'll put a few around his. And so I got to work.

"This looks good!" Killua praises. "They're just sandwiches.. nothing special." I say scratching my check with my pointer finger. "No, honestly. The last time you made sandwiches at trick tower they were amazing. I can't wait to taste them now!" He says ready to eat. "This looks so cute!" Alluka cheerily praises. "Thank you, I made it extra cute just for you~" I cooed. I just ate what I had bought earlier that day at the food court.

A few minutes later I was on my last fry, about to put it in my mouth.. and Killua decides to take my hand and feed it to himself. Like.. who does that? "Killua?" I ask, as calmly as possible. "Yeah?" He answered still chewing on the fry. "Why? Why'd you eat my fry?" I slowly say, gritting my teeth, and my bloodlust slowly seeping out of me. He tenses up and releases his ten. As soon as I notice this, I suck my bloodlust back in and stare at him for a moment. "I must've missed quite a bit.. you seem to know Nen now!" I cheerily say. "Are you bipolar or something?" Killua asks baffled. "No, but I'm interested as to what had happened since we parted ways." I explained. "Well, I'll tell you. But let me get Alluka to bed." He said pointing to a now sleeping Alluka. Poor girl must be tired. I thought to myself. Killua picked her up, put her on his back, and carried her to bed. He pulled the bed sheets over her and kissed her on the forehead before quietly slipping out of the room. "Alright, my room or the living room?" I ask. "Living room I guess." He responds and I nod. We make our way to the living room and sit. "Tell me about everything. We've got all night if needed." I say leaning back slightly. "Well get comfortable, because I've got 3 years worth of things to talk about." He says with a chuckle, as I giggle.

We spent the next few hours talking back and forth about everything that had happened during the 3 years we'd been away from each other from him going to the heavens arena with Gon and learning Nen, playing Greed island, dealing with the Chimera ants which let me tell you, made me shed some tears because of what had happened to him and Gon during that time, him getting Alluka to heal Gon and realizing he couldn't leave her with his family so he brought her along with him every where, the election for a new Chairman, Gon and himself parting ways, and Killua and Alluka going on adventures for about a year, all leading up to now. As for me, it was a simple thing. I had been doing more assassination jobs, some easier than others, other than that nothing truly interesting had happened these past 3 years for me.

I remembered my gift for Killua and quickly walked over to my cabinet and pulled out a box. I then walked back over to Killua and handed it to him. He looked at it questioningly, but opened it anyway. His mouth was agape when he saw the golden chocorobos in the box. "How'd you know.. I never told you about my chocorobo obsession- ahem- like for chocorobos!" He said astonished. "Eh.. you did though. Remember when we were talking about ourselves in the 4th phase? You mentioned it then." I explained with a grin. "Oh yeah.. I'm surprised you still remember that. Oh! I remember that was the first time I saw you behead someone. That was actually pretty cool~" he cooed. "Oh stawp~ you're embarrassing me~" I sing-sang dramatically. We cracked up for a bit before I yawned. And before I knew it, I had my head rested on his lap. "Can I sleep on your lap for tonight? Thanks." I say before slowly losing consciousness. Though, before I lost consciousness, I could feel his soft but cold fingers running through my hair, petting me. This made me sleepier, so I slowly drifted off to sleep.

End of Chapter 7 ;)
Two chapters in one day! My friend wasn't joking when she said I was sonic when it comes to updating.. Godspeed!
Anyway, love you all 💕💕

- Lxvely ⭐️✨💖✨⭐️

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