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Jimin loved his job. He did but fuck was it tiring sometimes. Jimin taught both contemporary and hip hop. Most of his classes were taught alongside Taemin except for one.

On Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays they taught an afternoon class. The class was an intermediate hip hop class which consisted of twenty students. The youngest being about fourteen and the oldest eighteen. The class was two hours long. The teens in that class were very talented and Jimin could picture a few becoming professionals.

Wednesday and Friday they also taught an intermediate contemporary class late in the day. It was about the same size and age group. The class consisted of mostly girls but there was a hand full of boys. Also a very talented set of teens.

Jimin's final workday was on Saturday where he taught, what he called, his baby class. It was a class with kids between the ages of three to five. It wasn't really about dancing it was more about the kids having fun.

After his Saturday class, he would go to another room where most of his friends and fellow instructors hung out. He sometimes would go over something with Taemin about their shared classes. If it was during certain times of the year they would all come together to choreograph a dance they would do for the recitals the studio held. If it wasn't that time of year they would just do it for fun and record it. If they deemed it good enough they would post it on YouTube. It helped boost the name of the studio up, not that it really needed it but they did it anyway.

Classes weren't the cheapest where he was employed so he earned good money. He wasn't wealthy by any means but it was enough to pay for his apartment, bills, and groceries and still have money from his check leftover. Not to mention the occasional times he and his coworkers would audition to be back up dancers for idol music videos or performances.

It was good. Life was good. He was satisfied with the way his life turned out. What was there to complain about? He lived in Seoul in a nice apartment, he was financially stable, he danced for a living, yet there was still a part of him that felt something missing. Well, more like someone.

"Bye, Jimin!" one of his tiny students said as they ran up to hug his leg. He smiled down at the four-year-old crouching down to hug him better.

"Bye, Jisung. See you next week," he said slightly nudging the toddler towards his mother. She gave him a smile picking up her baby.

He waited till all the kids were gone to clock out and grab his duffle bag making his way to the studio room next door. Four dancers were already there. They were sitting on the ground talking among themselves.

"Hey, Jimin" Jongin greeted when he spotted him. He tilted his head upward in hello taking a seat in the spot Taemin and Ten made for him. "How was your kiddie class?" Ten asked. Jimin stuck his thumbs up but didn't verbally answer. He was a bit tired after chasing around a few kids who couldn't stop themselves from running around the room screaming.

"Why do you even teach those classes?" Taemin asked slightly scrunching up his nose. "It's not like they're actually learning anything."

Jimin sighed combing his fingers through his brunette hair. "I like kids," he mumbled, a slight ache in his chest.

"So, we were just talking about how there are auditions for a music video. We thought maybe we'd submit a video. You down?" Minho said changing the subject.

"Yeah," he answered not bothering to ask what group it was for. They've done a few and of course, it was always exciting to be able to take part in whatever kpop group's video but by not asking it helped him not get his hopes up too high in case they got rejected. "Is there a specific song?"

They proceeded to talk about what they would do but Jimin's mind kept drifting off.


"You're home!" The thirteen-year-old screamed as he raced towards him. The boy opened his arms wide letting his friend collide into his body.

He laughed twirling the boy around earning an excited squeal. "Well I didn't know would you miss me this much."

Jimin pouted. "School sucks without you there." The fourteen-year-old rolled his eyes ruffling the boy's brunette hair. "How was it? You're a high schooler now!"

The raven-haired sighed shrugging. "It's school," he shrugged. "Not much different from middle school. Just more people and the campus is bigger. I got lost trying to find my way around. I was late for my second period by thirty minutes."

They went like that for hours. Sharing their experience in school that quickly turned into them sharing memories of when they were younger which turned into talking about the future.

"I'm going to be a rapper. Just you watch," the elder said. He had always aspired to in the music business. He loved it so much. Sadly his parents weren't as supportive of his dreams as he wished but that was okay. It just meant he had to prove them wrong.

"I'll be right behind you as your back up dancer!" Jimin chimed in.

The boy gasped in excitement. "That would be amazing! We can get like an apartment together. It's going to be awesome. Just me and you against the world."

The younger grinned widely. Just the two of them against the world. That was the dream.

Part of him wished it was the idol group he was thinking of. But the other more rational side hoped it wasn't. He couldn't see him again. He promised himself he wouldn't.

"Sound good?" Ten asked as he stood from the ground. Jimin looked over at Taemin confused since he had zoned out.

The boy rolled his eyes lightly slapping the back of his friend's head. "Pay attention. Ten was asking if everyone is okay with dancing to cherry bomb."

Jimin rubbed his head mumbling about Taemin having a heavy hand. "Yeah, I'm okay with that."


Hello! Just wanted to talk a little about this story. One thing you should note is that not all their ages will be the same as in real life. Another is that there will be a flashback in basically every chapter until it's caught up because it's important to the storyline so it'll be like you have a story within a story. Also, the first few chapters will probably feel slow but that's because I really don't want to rush it because it just wouldn't feel right. One other thing this does have Mpreg so if you aren't into that please stop reading now.

Anyways. I hope you all enjoy it and continue to read. I'll be updating again next week.

The One Who Got Away // YoonminKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat