"I think we need not proceed any further"he says , but the hint of sadness isn't unnoticeable. Of course I wouldn't want him to continue but I just wish he does. I can't help but ask him why he stopped. He said he is gonna look after his father's business, how complicated would that be. After all mine is. So if I hesitate it's reasonable and justifiable.

"Tae, why would not want to proceed?"
Aishhh what am I doing. What if he changes his mind. Darn it Y/n , how can you be so dumb. You can't possibly do it with him. Why is this so complicated. But the reason I ask him is I really want to know why. Even if he changes his mind to continue which is what I part of me badly wants to, I don't regret asking him this question.

"I- I am not looking for a serious relationship. I mean my father wants me to focus on his business first and I still wanna learn so many things. I wanna put in my own effort and develop the company."

I really don't understand what doing it with me now has anything to do with him seeing hope in us for a relationship. But I'm already hurt with his answer. At least I'm not a tiny bit convinced. What if he's lying.
Even if he's , why does it have to bother me.

The rest of the ride is silent. None of us say anything. But he steals glances time to time. But I can say he's really sad. He's not in the same mood as he was earlier at the restaurant. But I don't choose to say anything or ask anything. For we both know he's lying. I'm sure he's lying. But I can't decide.

"We're here." He says not making eye contact with me. I remove my seat belt and so does he. He hops out of the car and quickly comes to my side and opens the door for me. I don't why these little gestures of his is making me think to ask him out again. I hop out and see Nancy beaming at us.

Taehyung and I both look at each other, clearly our eyes screaming sadness. I slowly step forward and hug him tightly. He first flinches at my action but he doesn't hesitate and hugs me back tightly pulling me closer to his chest. I inhale his scent for one last time. He places his head on top of mine. I close my eyes and we stand like this for sometime. Nancy doesn't say anything. I guess she is just watching us with shock. 

I pull away and we again stare at eachother. I instinctively grab his jaw and start kissing him feverishly with a pain that this is the last time I really get to taste his lips. Those soft, glossy lips which are always wet due to his running his tongue over it frequently. That's a habit he has which I noticed in such a short time. He closes his eyes and holds my waist and pulls me closer. I leave his jaw and put my arms around his neck pulling him down because of his height. He takes my bottom lip and nibbles it slowly, passionately. He then starts roaming his hands all over my back, staying at each place and rubbing it. I immediately use my other hand and move it inside his shirt , running it all over his toned torso. This feels amazing...this, this....

"Get a room you both. What the hell are you doing. For fucks sake you are in the middle of the road." Nancy yells at us clear annoyed. She has been standing here the whole time waiting for me patiently but here we are lost in our own world , making out and getting lost in each others' touch.

He pulls away but draws me even closer closing even a tiny gap separating us and rests his forehead on mine. For some reason this feels home. I haven't felt like this ever since he left me and this feeling of comfort I get in his embrace is something I never thought will happen with any other man but him, but now I realize I'm so wrong.

He raises his head and runs his hand down my arms and squeezes it gently. He then backs away without breaking eye contact with me and reaches his car. He opens the door of the driver seat pauses and look at me back again with a sad smile.

"Goo-... Bye Y/n"

"Yeah b-bye Tae" I smile back weakly. He gets inside the car and takes off leaving a void. I sigh knowing pretty well I can't do anything.


We both head for the room as we get into the house. Nancy sits on my bed and asks me about the date.

"So how was it. Went pretty well uh"

"He is amazing Nan. I know I shouldn't feel like this... but-"

"Feel like what" before I could even complete she cuts me off.

"He just took my breath away in one simple kiss you know. When we were at the restaurant we were just talking about some random funny things. But we had a lot in common. Our viewpoints our tastes everything. And when we were at the car he suddenly kissed me. He was silent during the ride but then he kissed me. Definitely he took my breath away."

"Might as well take a few breaths away"

"What do you mean"

"Did you guys do it"

"No" she looks at me with utter disbelief.


"You're telling me that the same ones who were eating their faces out roaming their hands all over the others' body knowing they're in the middle of the road and hugging as if the lover is gonna part and gonna take ages to return didn't do it."

"Hey look you're right. We made out in the car but he didn't proceed any further. I honestly don't know why. But when I asked him, he just said some dumb lie."

"So it was that obvious wasn't it?"


"Um leave that. What did you mean when you said he didn't proceed any further? Were you trying to get in his pants? Was it that tempting? Y/n"

"Hey what's your problem? You were the one who set me up with this. I didn't ask for it. It's not a past time Nan. It was like stirring my memories back"

"Look y/n I have no idea what effect he has on you...but I apologize"

"Why?" I ask nonchalantly. I can't understand her. I mean she is kinda freaking me out.

"I made a mistake."

"Hey Nan what happened to you. Why are you talking like this. Is everything alright."

"Nothing is"

"Y/n don't freak out..."she continues sending shivers down my spine. "Taehyung....that Taehyung he is an associate of Baekhyun"

I can't believe what she's saying. She must be kidding right. He can't belong to a mafia. My head is spinning and the next thing I know is everything blacks out, I stumble and Nancy comes running to me and I collapse in her arms.



How was this chapter. Lemme know 😊

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