Chapter 12: Hey, Chickadee

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Your breath hitches. Could it really be him? Had you finally found him, thousands of miles from New York in the Arctic Circle?

You don't turn around just yet, zipping the bomber jacket back up. Then slowly, you bring yourself back up onto your feet, bits of tundra and snow sticking to your jeans. Sniffling back what tears you could, you turned around to face the newcomer.

And there he was, his side wrapped in bandages like the first time you'd met him. His eyes were so tired as if he hadn't slept in months, his boots warn from walking. But he was still here, in all his bizarre and dangerous glory. And you hadn't felt so relieved in your whole life.

Wordlessly, you stumble to him and let him pull you into a tight hug. You can't speak, only joyful sobs coming out at you let your uncle hold you. He wasn't really one for hugs as you knew, but even he seemed desperate to keep you close now.

"[Name]..." he murmured, resting a hand on the back of your head as if you'd dash away. "Dammit, I'm so sorry..."

You looked up at your uncle and slowly beamed, shaking your head. "Don't be. You left me everything I needed to find you again!" you said, leaning against him again. You could tell he'd been outside a long time, his body and coat cold to the touch. Snow had settled on his shoulders and head, much like yourself. 

Suddenly you started to collapse, from exhaustion or relief you didn't know. With a grunt, Matt picked you up as he often had, carrying you inside. But unlike before, you wondered if he might drop. His wound had quite obviously made things much harder for him. It made you wish even more that you had been able to stay with him.

He put you in his chair and closed the front door, then busied himself with starting a fire. You smiled, glad to see he was just as wordless as he'd always been. So you decided it was about time you started irritating him again.

"So... do you want to hear how I got here?" you say matter-of-factly, as if he'd been ignoring you. 

Matt turned away from the fire, first with his usual unamused expression. But it broke into a grin, and he nodded once. "More than anything, chickadee."

You giggled, more than glad to hear your nickname again. Eagerly you told him about how you'd illegally driven Regina's car, scavenged his house for supplies and found his clues, met the late Mr. Kirkland, and kept driving until Alfred picked her up in his plane. 

Even Matt seemed more than surprised, shaking his head a little at you in disbelief. But you gave him a curious look, tilting your head as you felt your body starting to thaw out. The gloriously welcome fire Matt had stoked was just what the two of you needed. "What about you, Matt? Where have you been?"

He frowned a little but sighed, knowing he'd have no choice but to tell you. "Mostly on the water, honestly."

You blinked in surprise. "What? Why, what were you doing in the Hudson?"

"Just... thinking, working when I could. That sort of thing," he said vaguely. "I had to keep myself occupied. If I just sat around here, I'd never have kept what sanity I have left." His tired eyes glanced at you. "You were always on my mind. I worried constantly."

You smiled sadly, glad to know he'd never once deserted to you. He truly had become your father figure since the death of your parents. 

"But you found me. I still can hardly believe it," he said with a chuckle, shaking his head again. "I'm so proud of you, chickadee. You've come so, so far."

You beamed, never having heard Matt tell you he was proud. It was definitely a rare occurrence, and you took it to heart. Finally, you'd made it home, were safe, and had your guardian looking after you once again.

The two of you were silent for a moment, but suddenly Matt perked up and smiled a bit. "Hey, do you wanna see Kuma again?" 

"Yes!" you reply instantly, getting to your feet slowly. 

Matt stood with a grunt, stretching a little and going to grab his coat again. "Well, I'll drive you to town." He chuckled a little, looking back at you. "You're going to have to laugh at him a bit. He likes being at the hockey rink a little too much," he said, suggesting the massive polar bear had been allowed to take over the ice rink in Chesterfield Inlet since Matt's return here.

Laughing a little, you grab the bomber jacket and pull it on, trailing after Matt. 

You stop laughing as soon as the two of you leave the house. 

Standing there, eyes wild and face red from cold, was the very person you'd been running from. The very man you had just thought you were free from. Him, Regina, and a gun.

"Allen... put her down," Matt said darkly, eyes narrowed. You stood right beside him, horror on your face. Allen was certainly unprepared to handle the arctic cold, plenty of the still gently falling flakes settling in his hair and creating a start contrast. "I SAID PUT HER DOWN!" Matt shouted angrily now.

"NO!" Allen hollered back, shaking from cold and anger. "You... you did this to me! You could have stayed, Matt... You could have stayed!" Smirking, he pressed the gun into Regina's head. She was unconscious, being held up by Allen by the hood of her sweatshirt. She didn't look hurt, but you knew she must be cold.

"You can't blame me for your failure," Matt growled, stepping in front of you. "You never should have brought [Name] and Regina into this."

"She's as much my niece as she is yours! S-She should be staying with me, not here where she'll fucking die from hypothermia," he replied, laughing a little, although it was a sick laugh if anything. "And Regina... if anything, she's the reason I am alone!"

Matt frowned, taking a deep breath. You realized with a pang that Allen just had serious loneliness and a need to feel needed. You felt bad for him, but he'd let his pain eat away at him. And now, he'd tried killing his own brother and was willing to do insane things to make sure he wasn't left alone again. But you couldn't help wonder what had firstly caused him to act this way.

Matt took a step toward Allen and Regina, but Allen quickly jabbed the gun harder into her temple and widened his eyes angrily. "Don't test me, Matt. I will shoot her, and you know it."

For the first time, you saw real fear flash across Matt's face for a moment, reaching a hand out towards Regina. "No, don't-..." he murmured, quickly pulling back in fear of making Allen shoot.

You watched the scene playing out, feeling utterly helpless. And feeling your stomach drop, you realized Matt had no weapon of his own. The two of you really were unable to do anything. Once again, Allen had the upper hand.

"Matt... if you just hand her over, I'll let Regina go and you can go on blissfully without our niece burdening you anymore. I-I can take care of her, I know it," Allen said, his eyes narrowing at his brother as he licked his freezing lips.

Matt seemed frozen, stalemated by the situation. He lowered his head, shaking it slowly. "Allen... you can't make me choose like this," he said darkly. For the first time in his life, Matt had found that he felt too much, loved too much. And now, he was going to have to choose between those feelings.

And as you stood there, watching the brothers stare each other down, you knew Matt wouldn't choose. 

If anything, he'd let himself go first before anyone he loved.

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