Chapter 5: No Escape

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You look up from your pocket to look out the window at the city around you. The gun in the pocket of your jacket had found it's way onto your mind again, and slowly you pulled your hand out the pocket and found Winnipeg finding it's way into your head instead. 

"Wow... It is a big city. No wonder Matt wouldn't dare come near this place!" you said as you watched a man walk down the sidewalk in a suit. You had a funny thought of Matt trying to have a job in a suit, and quite honestly you couldn't picture it all that well. 

Regina made a little laugh as she slowed the car at a stop light. "No kidding!" Looking around ahead of her, she thoughtfully narrowed her eyes. "Well, I think we'll stop at that place just ahead."

Once the light was green again, Regina pulled into the massive parking lot of what looked like a department store. Several other cars were parked there as well, shoppers coming to and from the store's automatic doors. Taking the gun out of your pocket, you slipped it under the seat of Regina's car, hoping no one would see it. Oddly, you felt almost naked without the weight in your coat pocket, almost as if it had burned it's danger into your jean coat.

The woman who'd rescued you took her purse and what money she had, which seemed to be plenty, and motioned for you to follow her inside. "I think we'll shop for you first, [Name]. You're the important one here."

You shook your head a little. "It's alright, Regina, you don't have to do that. It's your money after-"

"I'm looking after you, and I'm going to make sure you're well cared for!" she insisted, raising an eyebrow and smiling a little at you. You couldn't believe anyone would feel that way about you after all you'd been through, but you still followed her inside. 

The two of you tried to look inconspicuous, but since the two of you seemed fairly out of place with each other and didn't exactly look like the most well-kept individuals at the moment. So many hours in a car, and not to mention in that apartment back in New York hadn't done much for either of your appearances. 

After some looking around, and being looked at, you'd found a heavier coat to wear that was dark brown went past your waste slightly in length. Faux fur lined the hood as well as the boots you picked out as well. They were obviously for hiking, tall and ridged on the bottom for grip. 

Next, Regina brought a pair of walkie talkies and some batteries to the cart and laid them inside with a little smile. "These could come in handy if we get separated," she said, her smile getting a ltitle worried. You nod in agreement, hoping with all your heart that such a thing wouldn't happen.

Finally the two of you stocked up on food and water, in case Matt's house was bare. You were both feeling pretty confident with yourselves as you stepped up to the cashier. He gave both of you odd looks before starting to add items to the cost, the machine beeping.


You look up at Regina as she nudges you with her elbow gently. "What?"

You saw her eyes flick to a figure in a nearby isle, a dark hood hiding his face. But as you turned to truly look at him, you saw a frighteningly familiar smile.

Allen... He'd followed you here.

Your heart sank and your blood ran cold, causing you to have to grip the edge of the cashier's counter to keep your knees from buckling. 

"It's alright, stay calm," Regina murmured, hoping the cashier wouldn't hear. "Just take the bags to the car. Here," she said, shoving the money and the key to her car into your pocket. "Get out of here. Take the car to Matt's. The route is marked on my map. When you get there, look for him and lock the doors. I'll come find you as soon as I can, [Name]. I'm so sorry..."

Unable to believe what she's saying, you look up at her with frightened eyes. "I-I've only drove a car once or twice just for fun but-"

"You can do it," she said, her face falling a little. From what she said earlier, this was the last thing she wanted to do. "I need to keep him busy while you get away. I'll do my best to give him wrong directions, alright? Go. Go now!"

With one final odd glance from the cashier, you grab the shopping bags and try not to run as you go through the automatic doors. The less suspicious you look, the better. But with Allen's red glare burning into your back, you can't help but step a little swifter.

Regina heads the other way, straight towards him. Hopefully she could manage him without making too big of a scene. If anything, you hoped they would call authorities on him and Regina would happen to have some kind of alibi to cover up the whole fact that she technically kidnapped you, not that Allen didn't as well.

A two-time victim of kidnapping... At least in Regina's case, it was to save you from Allen.

You flung open the driver's door, sitting the bags in the passenger side floor, picking up the map. You'd have to get out of town to the west and head that way for a while until you'd have to go north a short distance to reach Matt's cabin. You hoped with all your heart that he was there. At least you knew he was alive now. 

Fumbling the key in your trembling hands, you stuck it in the ignition and started the car. Half a tank of gas remaining was indicated as the engine rumbled to life, but you wouldn't have time to stop. Hopefully it got you to Matt's.

Cautiously, you backed out of the spot, catching a glimpse of Regina walking from the store with Allen on her heels. He looked frantically from her to you, obviously having missed his chance. You could only hope Regina would get away as he started running for you in the car.

"Shit!" you cursed, suddenly hitting the gas and bolting through the rows of cars, only slowing if a pedestrian came near your path. As you pulled out of the lot you noticed another car with New York plates make it's way after you. 

Unsure of what to do, you sped around a few cars, earning honks and even a shaking fist and a finger or two from other drivers. You winced, hoping none of them would call authorities to have an unlicensed driver arrested. 

Allen wasn't so hasty, and as you peeked through your mirror and went through the green light that he was certainly going to follow you. To your left you saw an alleyway, one you knew Regina's car could squeeze through. Hitting the breaks with obvious inexperienced force, the car skidded to a near halt and whipped into the alleyway. More honks blared from other drivers as you sped down the bumpy alley, and soon headlights flicked on behind you.

Your heart was pounding, your eyes wide as you found the road again, turning west as soon as possible, and getting safely into a group of other cars. Allen couldn't touch you for the moment. 

In fact, more and more cars filed in. With a glance at the time, you knew a six o'clock rush hour was on the way. And to your luck, Regina's black Honda blended in well and you made it out of the city with a feeling of hope. Allen's pursuit was lost in the traffic.

You visibly sighed when the traffic cleared up, more and more trees coming into your view. You smiled slowly, just the sight of the woods you'd so briefly lived in making you smile. You were already feeling a little more like you were at home. 

Now all you had to do was make it to Matt's cabin before the cops decided you were worth pursuing.


Woohoo! My first update since November... ;v; Yikes, I am so sorry guys. I got a little bit of writers block for a while. I had some personal things that needed to be taken care of as well as Christmas, so I didn't have time to think of something... and then last night I cracked down and wrote the whole plot! That's right, this whole story is planned out now.

I know the ending and you don't nananana-/shots fired/

Anyways, my new year's resolution, as far as Wattpad is concerned, is that I will update a minimum of 3 times a month. So expect 2 more this month! With everything planned out, I shouldn't have too much trouble following that resolution. 

And now Regina is gone, you're driving illegally, you've been kidnapped twice, and you're travelling across Canada alone. Have fun with that. XD 

Until next chapter! - AAMU

Just Over NY - [Hetalia] Uncle!2p!Canada x Bratty!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now