Chapter 8: Fight or Flight

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After slamming the door, you pressed your back to it and slid down and hugged your knees. The last thing you wanted was to be found, let alone by the man who'd killed your parents. You wiped tears from your eyes, your breath shuddering as you looked up to a clock above the fire place.

He'd taken nearly a half hour of your time, and crying had taken even more time.

You huffed, standing up and shaking your head. "I've cried far too much lately. I'm turning into a damn baby," you curse to yourself, sighing again and straightening out your jacket. It had ruffled up behind you against the wooden door.

The fact a man who hardly knew anything about you other than your name had found you here unsettled you. The thought of Allen finding you just as easily made you worried. You knew you couldn't stay here any more. It'd drive you to be too edgy, and you didn't need more of that after Kirkland's visit.

You couldn't leave in Regina's car with less than half a tank and expect to get anywhere. But when you thought about it, Matt would have to have extra gasoline around here somewhere for his truck. Maybe there was enough to at least get you to the next town and fill up the tank with what money you had left.

Trekking out to the shed again, you push open the door and firstly search for gasoline. To your luck, he had a half-full tank of gas in the far corner of the shed. Grabbing it and sitting it by the door, you searched through a drawer in the work table. You found the padlock and key, clamping the lock on the door handles as you leave and setting the key in the deck chair's secret compartment.

You took what you could from his pantry; some likely stale chips and crackers and a bottle of what you hoped was water. But feeling unconfident about the unlabeled clear liquid, you took Matt's half-drank bottle of whiskey.

Hey, if you got desperate...

Pulling the lid off, you smelled it to find it to be very strong. Even causing you to wince a little at the smell. Doing the same with Mystery Bottle, you were greeted with a stronger scent of alcohol.

"Whew! Yep! Definitely not water," you said, glaring a little at the glass bottle. You couldn't bring this with you and even try to drink it. It had to be vodka of some kind. With a prayer that if Matt found out what you're about to do that he wouldn't kill you, you dumped the nearly full bottle of vodka down the sink.

After washing the bottle with plenty of water, it still smelled a little of alcohol. But not having another container, you filled the glass vodka bottle with water and screwed the lid back on.

After packing away the food in the car, you lift the gasoline jug to the tank once you'd opened it. Once the jug was empty, you switched on the car to find the tank was full again. You could make it pretty far now!

Finally, you returned to the house and picked up your bow, arrows, and the can of stain and it's brush. The wood would need more treatment if you would ever feel good enough about using the formerly abandoned gift again. You were mortified at the thought of the beautiful bow breaking.

Giving the house one final sad smile, you put the key in the front door, lock it, and slip the key in with the shed key. Hopefully you and Matt would return to find both keys where you left them. Maybe even Regina would be with you upon your return.

Such a nice thought, having a time like that. It'd be like having a family and a home again, or at least you would hope it would feel that way. But with Regina in Allen's hands, Matt a country away, and you with a car and limited provisions, the idea slowly sunk and died. 

Getting into the car, you sighed and reviewed in your head which pedal did what and put the car into drive. Stepping carefully on the gas, the car circled out of the driveway and down the road. Matt's cabin shrank behind the trees and out of sight.

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