Mike Hanlon

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Mikey has sent you an image!

     "Woah!" Your eyes scan upon the inappropriate picture that was sent your way by your close friend, Mike. The text bubbles immediately follow up, letting you know he was forming a response.

Mikey: I did not mean to send that. Please forget you ever saw it. Please, Y/N.

You: Well now I want to know who it was meant for ;)

Mikey: No one

     Just as you were about to type up another snarky remark, his contact picture takes over the screen and your ringtone sings out. You answer the phone almost immediately, ready to mock him until you hear his faint giggle on the other end of the line. "Why are you laughing? I thought you were being serious about it?"

     "I am, I just can't believe I sent that to you!" He chuckles once more, gaining his composure to talk to you, "It really wasn't meant for anyone. I was just taking pictures and accidentally hit send, you know?"

     "Uh-huh, just casually taking dick pics for keepsake, yeah?"

     "Well, when you put it that way, it does sound a bit odd." Mike was silent for a moment, thinking of what happens now that his secretive picture is in your hold. His excuse was entirely true, it was an accident. You would never believe that, of course, so he had to come up with some new witty response instead. "You know, you could always send one back and make it even now that mine is on your phone."

     "Nice try, Hanlon. There's no way my nudes are going to the cloud. If you want to see anything, you'll have to come over in person," you grin to yourself as you quickly spit out that line, hearing him choke on his next words and unable to reply. "Are you okay?"

     "That was an invitation, right? I can— I can be there in twenty minutes, maybe less—"

     "Alright, don't keep me waiting too long."

     "Wouldn't ever dream of it."

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