Patrick Hockstetter

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You stared at the test in your hands, two pink lines finalizing that you were pregnant. It was one of two tests, both having the same answers that you couldn't believe. All that ran through your head was how your boyfriend, and your parents, would react to this news. A knock on the bathroom door brings you out of your thoughts.

"Princess, you in there? I didn't see your parents car in the drive so I let myself in." You heard Patrick's voice outside of the bathroom door. You immediately wipe your tears away and clear your throat to respond. "Are you... crying?"

"N-No." you replied too quickly, your voice cracking as you did so. Patrick wasn't convinced with that answer and began turning the knob to the door.

"I'm coming in." He announced, breaking through the weak lock. You throw the test in the trash and toss toilet paper over it before he could see it, however he did see your panic and instantly went to question it. "What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N?"

"I–" You open your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Patrick's eyes traveled to the trash bin, then to you.

"What's in it?" He asked, stepping forward but you move yourself in his way. Patrick puts his hands on your waist and moves your aside, digging in the trash and pulling out the two positive pregnancy tests. He lets out a sarcastic laugh, "You thought you could keep this from me?"

"No, I wasn't trying to keep it from you. I just— I didn't know how to tell you." You tell him truthfully, not meeting his gaze. "I'm scared, Patrick."

At your words, he softened up, dropping the tests back into the trash and taking you into his embrace. "Hey, you don't have to be scared, Princess. I'm right here. We'll get through this together."

"Are you— Are you serious? You're not mad?" He laughed at your questions, finding them ridiculous.

"Why would I be mad? We did this together, baby girl." Patrick placed a sloppy kiss on your forehead. He hummed in thought, a question on his mind. "Have you told your dad?" You shake your head. "Do you plan on it?" Again, you shake your head. Patrick smirked, "Then, let's go."


"Let's run away." He was so sure of his decision, taking your hand and wanting you to agree with him. You nod. "Just you and I forever, baby."

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