Ch.14 Icebreakers❔

Start from the beginning

"Hey girls!" Komori waves as I nod to them while Aratani waves at him and smiles. "Shimotsuki-chan, you were amazing today." I could bow slightly because I didn't want to brag about it. But hearing Shimotsuki is little long to say.

"Just call me Tsuki." I insisted as Komori stares wide eyed. I blinked my blue eyes at him intensely. "It's concise. Or even Shimo is fine." Komori nods and smiles.

"Ok Shimo-chan." I nod before turning my gaze to Sakusa who returned my gaze or looked like he was waiting for me to return his gaze.

"You can too if you like. Since we are seatmates, might as well." I shrugged as my hands are in the sweater. I accidentally touched one of the ice packs on my hip from the sweater's pockets and I let out a grunt. Aratani asked if I was ok but I waved it off.

"I'm going to go home now. See you guys at school." I bowed again before walking to the entrance.

Sakusa's POV

I wonder what conditioner she's using because even in broad daylight, I can smell it. She looks cute with an oversized hoodie. It makes her look small but in reality she's a little tall, 

I forgot I was staring at her this whole before she looked at me. I see her grunt in pain as I was about to question it before she says good bye. I furrow my eyebrows. What's she hiding?

"I'm going to go home too." I said while following Miyuki.

Komori's POV

Please don't over do it and ask her all your questions at once. I am praying that Sakusa won't scare her. When ask questions, he usually leans towards them, invading personal space. But hearing her actions if her personal space is invaded, it might work out.

I walked with Aratani as we went to the cafe to get something to eat. Like a friend date..💛

Miyuki's POV

Icing your bruises or sore areas it's cold and really uncomfortable. I want to like move it around but it won't help. I sighed as I made my way to the commuter station. I want to take it off as soon as possible. I have to stand up for the whole ride. 

I waited for the commuter as I felt a familiar presence. Like Deja Vu. I turn to see Sakusa next to me. Looking straight ahead. 

"I enjoyed playing against you." I said to break the silence and since I'm starting to get surprisingly comfortable with him being a few inches close to me. I can't believe he's a giant. Around like 6 feet. Which bumps a guy's attractiveness I guess. I said to Aratani that I like guys who're tall and athletic, smart not dumb but also have somethings in common. 

"I never thought you would be a Setter." Sakusa responds as he gives his side glance down to me. I did the same but looking up. I hummed as I blinked away and examine my fingers. It was a bit pink because of the tape and I move my fingers. Looking like I'm showing off my shiny black nail polish with a bit of blue on some of it. I mean it looks cool and all :)

"My Coaches say that I have strong fingers." I explained. "Digging with my hands were an advantage of playing defense as a Setter. Before being a Setter, I was a Libero. I would do consequences if I ever let one ball drop from the blockers or on defense." I chuckled a little and smiled underneath my mask. 

"I enjoyed trying to receive your spikes and serves. I need to do that more often so I can see that look on your face." Sakusa was taken back at this as he furrows his eyebrows. 

"And what look may that be?"

"The look that shows how you are amazed by something. But also the sense of competitiveness in your eyes. I felt it when I received your serves and it was awesome." I couldn't help but be content.

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