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I trying to find the last bit of chia tea. Of course it's in the back of the cupboard. After I find it I put the rest of the other tea back in the cupboard. Then I grab our tea bags and measure the correct amount. I close them and put them in the cups and fill them about half way with hot water. Then I pour some coconut milk in a pitcher. I then leave that to steam for 50 seconds. While I'm waiting on the milk I add a little bit of vanilla flavoring to the teas and stir. The steamer finished and I pour in the milk, creating a frothy warm drink I top with cinnamon. I put the teas on a tray and a bowl of fruit I fixed up for us and I make my way upstairs.

When I arive in the room I first notice a dry towel on the floor and a outfit. I don't hear any running water so I put the tray down on the bed and walk into the bathroom. The shower curtain was open and there is no trace of Hope. I then search everywhere, the only signs are the dry towel and half folded clothes and her outfit she was wearing beforehand is in the basket in her closet. 

"Hope!" I yell.

No where. I leave the tea steaming and run back downstairs and she's no where to be found. I know she's not outside because she would of had to walk by me. And it's definitely not time for her run. Where the hell is my fiance?!

I slip my boots on and I run nextdoor.

"Dad! Dad!" I yell when I open the door.

"Yes honey?" He asks from the couch.

" I'm sorry I didn't see you. "

"What's wrong Jo?"

" I can't find Hope anywhere. "

"What do you mean?" Raf says as he walks in the living room.

"I mean she's gone, she disappeared, vanished into thin air." I say with panic.

He grabs my hands. "You need to focus Jo, you have the power to find her. You've done it once, you can do it again. I believe in you." This instantly grants me comfort.

I tangle myself in a hug and take a couple deep breaths. Hope, Hope, Hope. I think. Then I feel a release from the hug. I open my eyes and there is nothing, I feel like I am spinning but it's pitch black so I can't tell. I close my eyes and clench my hands into fists. Soon I feel the soles of my feet greet the ground. I open my eyes and I'm in a weird home I've never been to before. Josie did you just teleport? I think to myself. Although I'm fueled with excitement over this new power, I have to contain it so i can figure out where the hell I am.

"Hope?!" I yell out , but the response was empty. I make my way down this narrow hallway.

"Hello?" I hear a women's voice say. And she makes her way out of a doorway. A familiar face appears.

" Josie?! "


She runs towards me embracing me in a hug.

"Its been a while! Honey how have you been?" She asks.

" I've been amazing, I am newly engaged and very happy. But right now, frankly I'm about panicking. "

"That's amazing! Oh my god, Jo you've grown up so so much. What is causing the panic?"

"My fiance Hope, is missing she disappeared from the home today, and I discovered a new power today, but I guess I have to work on it because I was trying to manifest seeing Hope but so far I haven't seen her. "

"Hope, Niklous's daughter?"


"Oh my god Jo, you should've started with that." She grabs my hand and I follow her. She takes me out of the creaky old house and brings me into the busy mysterious streets of New Orleans.

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow" And I do just that.

The energy is high here, mystical beings all over. Frankly I'm very overwhelmed right now, I've been in the woods for quite some time now.

Forest Dweller ✴A Hosie Story (a series)Where stories live. Discover now